THE CIA, CHILD ABUSE AT WILLOWBROOK, and the ORIGIN OF HIV/AIDS by Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane
The CIA and the Origin of AIDS: A Report on the Links Between CIA MKULTRA Chief, Michael Aquino, and the Origin of HIV/AIDS by Dr. Leonard Horowitz & Sherri Kane
Much neglected intelligence on child abuse, links the CIA to the origin of HIV/AIDS. These matters of record implicate the CIA’s MKULTRA propaganda chief, Michael Aquino, and by extension William Colby, John DeCamp, and Ted Gunderson, whose aides targeted the co-author of this report, HIV/AIDS expert, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, for libel, defamation, and assassination.
The CIA, according to the Washington Post (April 30, 2000), oversees disease agencies battling national security risks, including AIDS. The NCI, CDC, and National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) are all directed by the CIA.
Dr. Leonard Horowitz’s works include scientific publications regarding HIV/AIDS, and a national bestseller detailing the man-made origin of the pandemic, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional? The author and filmmaker evidenced Nixon White House National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger, ordered AIDS-like virus developments in 1969 while directing William Colby, Michael Aquino, and John DeCamp during his tenure overseeing the CIA, FBI and Foreign Policy under Vice President, Nelson Rockefeller.
Kissinger, government documents proved, ordered the development of AIDS-like and Ebola-like viruses from America’s leading biological weapons supplier at that time, Litton Bionetics. Its parent
company’s president, Roy Ash, was Nixon’s alternate for the post given Kissinger, but was appointed to direct America’s businesses based primarily on national security objectives.

The company also administered America’s biological weapons testing center at Fort Detrick, MD, and ran the entire National Cancer Institute (NCI) with its largely funded, mostly secret, Special Virus Cancer Program. Bionetics supplied the lab animals, including monkeys and chimpanzees, cancer viruses, and vaccine culture media, for cancer investigators and pharmaceutical manufacturers throughout the 1960s and 70s.
Merck & Co., Kissinger and the CIA
The German Merck family began selling drugs in 1668. Merck’s president, following World War II, George W. Merck, was America’s biological weapons industry director. He was personally appointed by President Roosevelt when Kissinger began working for the CIA.

Horowitz’s research showed Merck’s vaccines triggered AIDS at this same time Henry Kissinger prepared National Security Memorandum 200 calling for massive Third World depopulation.The memorandum was prepared while Colby directed the CIA, aided by DeCamp.
HIV/AIDS Came From Kissinger, Bionetics and Merck
Horowitz’s AIDS research was acclaimed by Barack Obama’s minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, during the president’s election campaign, as seen in this video clip.

A year later, in 1969, Kissinger selected the option for their use in the military, according to the past Chairman and CEO of CNN, Walter Isaacson, who wrote Kissinger’s biography. In addition, the use of immune suppressive viruses for depopulation would not have escaped Kissinger and Colby at the CIA.
It is generally believed that Kissinger’s replacement of Colby as CIA Director with George H.W. Bush, was largely due to Colby’s candidness to Congress about the illegal use of biological weapons by the CIA and military.
During Colby’s command, Michael Aquino is believed to have directed propaganda, and advanced uses of the media, for the CIA. On October 19, 1971, for instance, the agency heralded Richard Nixon’s supposed transformation of Fort Detrick’s biological weapons labs into defensive vaccine research facilities administered by the NCI. This occurred, history indicates, under Aquino’s command over MKULTRA.

In 2009, for instance, the Journal of Molecular Biology and Evolution published a scholarly report by six scientists proving Horowitz’s thesis was accurate beyond any reasonable doubt. The North American B strain of HIV-1 emerged exclusively in New York City, sometime between 1966 and 1970.
Child Abuse & HIV/AIDS at Willowbrook State School

Chimpanzees, whose AIDS virus (SIVcpz) is most like HIV-1B, were used to develop the 1970-74 hepatitis B vaccines contaminated by HIV-1B. Gay men in New York’s village area, and the children at Willowbrook, were the first to receive these vaccines. In 1972, Geraldo Rivera began reporting on child abuse at the school, neglecting the children’s abuse in these medical experiments.

Rather than reporting on the deadly results of the Army’s first hepatitis B vaccine trials, the CIA and Rivera censored this news to focus on the emotional and sexual abuse that damaged the children. According to historians, the news “shook the conscience of New York State and the nation, and inspired parents and others to take legal action.” (See these public records.)
In retrospect, based on the above disclosures that implicate the CIA, Colby, and Aquino, who was in charge of MKULTRA media propaganda at the time, Geraldo’s censuring and spinning the Willowbrook story served the same function as DeCamp’s “Franklin Coverup”–distraction and damage control.
Related Experiments at the Presidio

MKULTRA, and Aquino’s propaganda, provided cover for the hepatitis B vaccine trials, and most importantly, MKNAOMI–America’s top-secret biological weapons program profiting notably Roy Ash, Kissinger and associates, and the Merck family.
Gallo Posted Bail for Pedophile Gadjusek

Gadjusek is credited for allegedly “discovering” the agent that triggers mad-cow disease in humans–a “prion protein”–that, according to Canadian investigator Donald Scott, tracks to Japanese biowarfare studies in New Guinea prior to Gadjusek’s arrival there on behalf of the military and NCI.
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