A lawsuit filed against the company in the First Circuit Court of Hawaii, charges “the world’s most popular search engine”– GOOGLE–with breaking Federal and State laws to intentionally suppress two journalists’ publications and popularity.
In addition, GOOGLE neglected its civic duty to block hateful harmful “cyber-bullies” from publishing obviously obscene, outrageous, sexist, and harassing libel, that has damaged the journalists’ credibility and celebrity.
Dubbed “The HOROKANE” by the cyber-stalkers, journalists Sherri Kane and Dr. Leonard Horowitz are YouTube’s most popular drug-industry critics; and YouTube is owned by GOOGLE, whose major share-holders are heavily invested in ”BigPharma,” especially in the vaccine producer Pfizer.
Horowitz, a Harvard-trained public health expert, is known internationally for his award-winning warnings about risky vaccinations, but GOOGLE’s ties to Wall Street , and especially Rupert Murdoch’s propaganda mills, were exposed by Kane, including links to the CIA and the Murdoch family’s heavy investment in the world’s largest vaccine producer, Merck.
GOOGLE is controlled by its largest shareholders, BlackRock, Inc., that acquired Barclays Global Investors, that owns the vast majority of Sun Microsystems stock along with Kleiner Perkins Caufiled & Byers. This company bought two-times more shares of Pfizer stock in 2011 than Microsoft stock, the most among its top ten holdings. Pfizer joins Merck among the largest vaccine companies.
GOOGLE has also partnered with News Corp’s AOL (Time/Warner) despite the Murdoch’s bemoaning these contracts, and James Murdoch, embroiled in the wiretapping of British parliament officials, is a Non-Executive Director of GlaxoSmithKlein, rounding out the top three vaccine producers, and explaining Horowitz’s and Kane’s mystique as “the world’s most endangered journalists.”
“GOOGLE’s conflicting interest are showing,” Dr. Horowitz said. “Their intelligence agents have blocked us, and our colleagues, We Are Change, in Connecticut, without notice for fake reasons. But they don’t block publishers that any reasonable person would find harassing, obscene, and outrageous.”

According to the complaint, GOOGLE routinely neglects its civic duty and Congressional license defined by 47 U.S.C., Section 230, that encourages blocking of outrageous and obscene libel, cyber-stalking, and harassments. These precise acts were committed to damage the journalists, according to published evidence in the complaint linked to the journalists’ websites. (Click This Link to Case Filings Download Directory.)
“GOOGLE has aided and abetted COINTELPRO-like agents targeting activists to confuse Americans and control public opinions on all fronts,” Kane said. “These communications companies have a vested interest in keeping American’s divided and confused about everything important–from politics and economic policies to healthcare reforms and organized religions. Do you really believe GOOGLE and News Corp are going to tell you the truth about the risks of getting vaccinated, for example, when their officials are heavily invested, like the Murdoch family is, in the vaccine industry?”
“GOOGLE and News Corp. both profit by publishing the most hateful, racist, sexist, confusing, and divisive propaganda–messages that control minds,” Dr. Horowitz explained. “The media ‘PSYOPS’ is done to create and regulate “Controlled Opposition” to the economic governors’ policies, such as profitable intoxications, leading to drug addictions, and ultimately Bill Gates’s recommended depopulation through tainted vaccinations.”
GOOGLE’s racist co-conspirators oppose vaccinations too, but discredit themselves and every legitimate whistleblower by their disgusting sexism, anti-Semitism, and documented history of criminal operations in the media, especially on the Internet.
One of the fanatical co-conspirators who christened Horowitz and Kane “The HOROKANE,” and defamed them with GOOGLE’s help using stolen and forged media that GOOGLE refused to block, faked his academic credentials to compete with Horowitz on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry. Alma C. Ott, alias “Dr. True Ott,” “Alma T. Ott,” and “David Main” feigned two doctorates in natural medicine to “front” for Energy Images of Cedar City, UT, initially a company that provided “intelligence services” according to public records.
“The spin that fake ‘doctors’ put on facts is largely why Dr. Horowitz’s work is considered controversial, and vaccination opponents are considered ‘fringe,’ Kane explained.

More than 30 co-defendants, including Ron Paul’s leading media campaigner, Alex Jones, and New Age guru conspiracy mavin David Icke, are GOOGLE’s co-defendants.
The complaint also names SOFTLAYER TECHNOLOGIES INC. as complicit in the organized crimes damaging Horowitz and Kane, as well as people worldwide, courtesy of Ott’s gang of GOOGLE-assisted cyber-criminals.
On June 18, 2011, after posting a video clip on GOOGLE/ YouTube entitled, “COINTELPRO COMPROMISED: Sexual Exploits of Jew-Hating American Terrorists,” Horowitz began receiving mail from supporters complaining that the number of “Views” his video was receiving were fraudulent.
The doctor, previously the 2nd most popular health professional on YouTube (behind Deepak Chopra and ahead of Dr. Oz), then began to study his and Kane’s popularity as reflected in GOOGLE search engine “hits.” The data showed a shocking manipulation ongoing to suppress their perceived popularity.
Between March and June, 2012, for example, Kane’s “hits” dropped from 14.5 million to 2 million inexplicably.
More evidence reveals GOOGLE/YouTube is tied to the CIA’s investment arm, In-Q-Tel, providing the CIA, NSA, and their FBI’s COINTELPRO, the ability to regulate celebrity popularity and propaganda on the Internet.
GOOGLE has been widely criticized for its antitrust, monopoly, and restraint of trade activities that are additionally evidenced in the lawsuit. This is also a common complaint against Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., controlling the majority of media referencing intelligence data fed to the mega-media conglomerate by GOOGLE servers.
GOOGLE’s leading investors, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Sun Microsystems, and BlackRock, Inc. (“the largest investment manager in the world”), also share common “partners” with Murdoch in the Partnership for New York City (PFNYC), exposed by Horowitz and Kane for shadowy investments in the vaccine, biotech, and genetic engineering industries, and complicity in many lethal experiments.
“The ‘partners’ depend on GOOGLE and NewsCorp’s complicity in organized crime to spread their propaganda promoting sales and public misperceptions about vaccinations, and nearly everything else,” Dr. Horowitz explained.
Protest petitions demanding Congressional investigations into Rupert Murdoch’s un-American business activities are now being circulated by
Another petition advanced by is collecting signatures demanding Congressional and Internal Affairs Dept. investigations into the FBI’s ongoing COINTELPRO activities.
The COINTELPRO is also suspected in a number of assassinations terminating the lives of independent journalists and whistleblowers.
The RootsAction petition appeals to Jay Rockefeller, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, to investigate Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp.
Ironically, Jay Rockefeller has chaired virtually every major U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee inquiry into unAmerican activities, including those of the FBI’s COINTELPRO.
“That’s like asking Dick Cheyney to investigate Halliburton for treason,” Kane objects. “Or, George HW Bush to condemn the Carlyle Group’s investments in war crimes,” Dr. Horowitz added.
David Rockefeller is Jay’s brother, and David is Honorary Chairman of the PFNYC boasting GOOGLE’s “partner” BlackRock, Inc, and Rupert Murdoch as past Co-Chairman.
For all these reasons, the Journalists are calling for a GOOGLE boycott, and urging everyone to use alternative servers. A list of GOOGLE competitors is HERE.
“YaHoo has treated us most fairly,” Kane stated. “Unlike GOOGLE, the company’s abuse officials are well trained and well supervised. They don’t tolerate the terrorists that GOOGLE Blogger encourages.”
The link to the petition preferred by Kane and Horowitz is:
NOTE TO JOURNALISTS: For interviews with Sherri Kane or Leonard Horowitz, please call Sean McDermott at 1-800-336-9266. Dr. Horowitz and Ms. Kane are currently living in Hawaii, and are available for interviews through streaming video. Address inquiries: P.O. Box 75104, Honolulu, HI 96836 • 808-965-2112 • (Cell) 310-877-3002 •
Dr. Horowitz and Ms. Kane are investigative journalists, peace activists, film critics, music industry visionaries, victims of counter-intelligence operations involving Google and YouTube, and the co-producers of the Hollywood Spin series of programs showing on Vimeo’s Revolution Television channel. The couple produced their own Revolution Television Network “RTN,” compelled by Google/YouTube’s illegal censorship of more than 150 videos produced by “The HOROKANE,” including ones viewed and shared by more than a million people. “The HOROKANE’s'” Hollywood Spin series features Harvard-degreed expertise in media propaganda analyses, and keen psycho-social perspectives, in support of world peace and consumer protection.
Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., D.N.M. (hon.), D.M.M. (hon.)
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz is the world’s most prolific, best credentialed, and most controversial drug industry critic.
This music industry revolutionary, natural medicine expert, pharmaceutical industry whistleblower, and intelligence industry analyst has published eighteen books, five documentary films, and dozens of peer-reviewed scientific articles.
After receiving his Doctor of Medical Dentistry degree from Tufts University, and a Master of Public Health degree from Harvard University, Dr. Horowitz went on to publish the first of three American bestsellers, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional?. This book is largely credited by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) officials for prompting the global vaccination risk awareness movement. Dr. Horowitz’s monumental text caused several governments to reconsider their “immunization” policies, and it became the center of political debate in 2008 when Barack Obama’s minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, credited Horowitz and this book for evidencing HIV/AIDS as a genocidal weapon of mass depopulation targeting Africans and African Americans courtesy of covert U.S. military contractors named in the book.
Dr. Horowitz’s second bestseller, Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, prompted a revolution in the music and natural healing industries.
The retired dentist and naturopathic physician’s consumer health guidebook, Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine and Modern Science, pioneered the protocol adopted by thousands of natural healers and doctors worldwide.
Dr. Horowitz’s 2007 decryption of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous drawing revealed the mathematics of LOVE: The Real da Vinci CODE; and his follow-up text, the most monumental of his 30-year career, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE, reveals “God’s creative technology,” available for revolutionizing music, recording artistry, healthcare, environmental resource protection and restoration, along with civilization’s transformation as an “enlightened species” choosing peaceful sustainable collaboration versus murderous degenerative competition and lethal consumption.
From Dr. Horowitz’s books, video productions, and documentary films, Hollywood filmmakers have drawn many ideas, including those expressed in the movies INCEPTION, I Am Legend, the X-File Movie, and several others.
International acclaim and widespread acceptance of the doctor’s works revealing Solfeggio frequency physics and metaphysics has prompted the “528LOVERevolution,” which Dr. Horowitz and his partner, journalist and activist, Sherri Kane, has commercialized in the rapidly growing and through his private television channel,, formed following Google/YouTube’s censorship of more than 150 of the doctor’s video productions.
Dr. Horowitz’s and Sherri Kane’s broadcasts “medicinal music” transposed into the “LOVE frequency” of 528Hz, that resonates the sound of buzzing bees, and 528nm of greenish-yellow light at the heart of rainbows, precisely why grass is green and fills the air with electron-energized oxygen vibrating in the energy of LOVE/528.
Dr. Horowitz’s film presentation, the 528KEY movie, provides an explanation of the great opportunity provided by the 528 frequency for advancing unprecedented benefits to civilization.
Investigative Journalist Sherri Kane
If you do a Google search on Sherri Kane, you will probably notice she has been widely defamed by a seemingly large group of racists, anti-Semites, and sexist men who obviously feel their lives spent on the Internet libeling her is a profitable pastime.
Here are some political reasons why:
Sherri Kane is America’s gutsiest investigative journalist, news commentator, psycho-social analyst, and political activist, specializing in uncovering what predators do to women, children, and even animals. She exposes human and animal rights violators, child sex traffickers, and human slavery networks, several involving high ranking government officials.
Sherri does not hesitate to investigate, analyze, and vet the dark world of government and intelligence agencies’ corruption, and agents’ complicity in organized crimes. She refutes the propaganda published to manipulate and damage people, and exposes what is being concealed by the FBI/CIA’s COINTELPRO (that was supposed to have stopped abusing people and depriving human rights in 1976 by Acts of Congress). Sherri delves into conspiracy realities so dark that very few people dare to study them.
For instance, you may have heard of the political fracas involving certain members of Congress, a high ranking official in the Republican Party, and the mysterious disappearances and abuses of children at “Boys Town” in Nebraska, called “The Franklin Cover-up.” Thanks to Ms. Kane’s heroic investigative reporting, the matter has now been exposed as “The Franklin Double-coverup.”
You may recall the Gulf Oil Crisis, maybe even the extensive coverage Jesse Ventura and TruTV gave to the “Conspiracy Theory” implicating Halliburton, BP, and TransOcean in the intentional explosion and environmental devastation in the Gulf of Mexico. Ms Kane sourced the story and appears on the segment.
Sherri wrote the foreword to Dr. Horowitz’s music-industry-transforming book, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of Love, and co-produced and is co-starring in Dr. Horowitz’s controversial docu-comedy PHARMAWHORES: The SHOWTIME Sting of Penn & Teller, winner of the 2010 Accolade Award for “Uniqueness in Documentary Film-making.”
Ms. Kane is the Vice President of Medical Veritas online journal, has published works in newspapers, magazines and many websites, and has been interviewed worldwide including on Al Jazeera’s A9 Turkey, The Veritas Show, the BBC’s Talk Radio Europe, Late Night In The Midlands, WAC Connecticut, LA Talk Radio, and many others. She co-hosts the Hollywood Spin series of film reviews with Dr. Horowitz viewed on and Vimeo’s Revolution Television Channel. Ms. Kane also co-hosted The HOROKANE Hour on LNM Radio Network with Dr. Horowitz, and co-wrote Space Pearl Harbor, reviewed in the 39-minute news program seen HERE.
Sherri is currently collaborating with Dr. Horowitz on various projects including Healthy World Organization (HWO), the alternative to the corrupt World Health Organization (WHO),, and advancing the power of “528 Hz” frequency for global healing, as experienced at,, and
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