Ten (10) More Facts Evidencing the False Flag Paris Attacks
The False Flag Paris Attacks Can Be Discerned by These 10 More Facts.
Supplemental Clue 1) “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves,” prescribed Russian revolutionary, politician, and political theorist, Vladimir Illich Lenin. The concept that ISIS is such “controlled opposition” to Western exceptionalism is a growing consensus among experts.
ISIS, blamed or credited for the Paris attacks, and increasing “national security commerce,” appears to be a “protection racket.” It certainly appears to be protecting its financiers.
Why would anyone invest in terrorism, media diversions, and crisis capitalism?”
Western powers appear to be administering ISIS through complicit intelligence agencies, including America’s CIA and NSA, Britain’s MI6 and GCHQ, Israel’s Mossad, and France’s General Directorates for Internal and External Security.
In other words, the Islamic State (IS) is a creation of US intelligence, with support from Britain’s MI6, Israel’s Mossad, Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), and Saudi Arabia’s General Intelligence Presidency (GIP), Ri’āsat Al-Istikhbārāt Al-’Āmah ( رئاسة الاستخبارات العامة). Moreover, evidences Chossudovsky, according to Israeli intelligence sources (Debka), NATO, in liaison with the Turkish High Command, has been involved in recruiting jihadist mercenaries, as early as the Syrian crisis of March 2011. (4)
Ironically, Chossudovsky observes Russia indirectly fighting America by supporting the actions of the Syrian and Iraqi governments against the ISIS terrorists. Chosudovsky reports that the foot soldiers of the Western military alliance, and covert ISIS support squad, include Western mercenaries and military advisers within ISIS’s ranks.
Once these concealed special interests are revealed, the diagnosis of pan-genocide is established, and the prognosis is not good for peace, health, and freedom under imposed globalization, armed sieges, and marshal law. This is the simplest and best explanation for the carnage and media coverage witnessed in France.

Supplemental Clue 3) The refugee problem in Europe is horrific, prompting the oligarchy’s population managers to scheme-up solutions. The Paris attacks curiously justified French President François Hollande’s knee jerk misrepresentation that he ordered the borders closed for security purposes. This was later learned to be false. The airports and Euro-rail system, unaffordable to refugees, remained accessible to the flow of terrorists. In September, 2015, it was widely reported that France was least welcoming to Syrian refugees. According to propaganda, France only provided 30,000 beds for more than 60,000 asylum-seekers; meaning most have been forced to live with friends or family, or on the streets.
These facts compound evidence that the Paris attacks were orchestrated as a “false flag” “wag-the-dog” political deception to justify militarization to block refugee routes across borders precluding Syrian migrants from entering France.
Alternatively, it does not make political sense that ISIL’s purpose would be to have the flow of refugees into Europe blocked by closed borders. Western enemies, including ISIL, would not reasonably act to keep its opponents in Syria and Iraq when instead it can drive them out to Europe. “Why have to kill or control millions of people by preventing their flight?” Chossudovsky asks.
Supplemental Clue 4) Earlier this year, The Economist, substantially controlled by Rockefeller interests, published an issue named “The World in January 2015.” The cryptic cover contained strange symbols such as a nuclear mushroom and Chinese missile adjacent a drone, a panda flexing his muscles clothed in the flag of China, odd numbers on arrows (11.5 and 11.3) that appear to be a code. President Hollande stands behind Obama’s right shoulder in the middle of the image, with a French painting in the lower right corner. The Pied Piper of Hamelin, which according to Middle Age folklore represents either massive death by plague, catastrophe, or alternatively, hypnotizing lured children to get vaccinated to gain profitable depopulation. Others have suggested a movement of massive immigration, or people being lured and lulled by deadly music as per the 741Hz frequency “death metal” aforementioned. The Cheshire cat–a symbol of nobility and church history–sits left of Obama’s knee with Alice in Wonderland onlooking. This Economist cover, artistically rendered and published by financiers with more intelligence than your average refugee, raises more suspicion that global populations are being hoodwinked by the media, as the superhero Spiderman exits stage right.
Then there are a number of news reports about the Paris attacks that simply seem ridiculous. These include:
Supplemental Clue 5) A Syrian passport supposedly survived on or near the body of a suicide bomber. Details are sketchy on this, but critics contend this may be a ploy to justify military reprisals against Syria.
Supplemental Clue 6) It’s unbelievable how quickly Paris and other major cities managed to light up their landmarks in French colors. Within hours of the Paris attacks, as though previously planned, buildings in may countries illuminated monuments in solidarity with France. Critics reasonably reflect on typical bureaucracy dysfunction, and how long it typically takes to get anything accomplished by governments, let alone a coordinated international display of French colors.
Supplemental Clue 7) The French Government confirmed that it knew political extremists were operational before the Paris attacks. Some critics are wondering why previously arrested terrorists would not have already been deported.
Supplemental Clue 8) Conflicting reports during breaking news reports raised immediate suspicions. On the one hand news sources reported that many hostages were taken and still missing. At the same time news teams were repeating, “It is all over. . . . It is all over,” telling French citizens there was nothing more to worry about. The New York Times likewise hashed the message, stating that eight terrorists had been killed but unknown numbers of others have possibly escaped. French President Hollande also inferred more terrorism could be expected as the Friday the 13th Paris attacks is a sign of war with ISIS, ISIL and Syria.
Supplemental Clue 9) American agents widely exposed as being Internet “trolls” (i.e., COINTELPRO–counter-intelligence propagandists administering standard procedures outlined in Britain’s GCHQ and U.S. NSA’s training materials) were instantly activated to output conflicting and confusing reports that “crisis actors” photographed during the Paris attacks were the same ones seen in press coverage of U.S. terrorist attacks. These reports were soon discredited. However, the fact that coordinated teams of media-savvy professionals are operating to hash public awareness and solid intelligence is both disconcerting and treasonous.
Supplemental Clue 10) Quoting from the New York Times in the aftermath of the Paris attacks, the [EODM] band “was seven songs into a sold-out concert when its performance of ‘Kiss the Devil’ was interrupted by gunfire.” A related article presents the demonic lyrics issued at the precise time of the “human sacrifices,” as though precisely “on cue.”
– End –
More Articles in this Series:
CLICK HERE to Return to Feature Story, or
CLICK HERE to review the five clues that led Dr. Horowitz to discovery the Key to the Paris attacks.
CLICK HERE to compare lyrics written by the Eagles, and those sung by EODM.
CLICK HERE to read “The Healing Codes ‘Key’ Connection to the Paris Attacks.
CLICK HERE to read “Qatar-Bataclan Sale on 9-11 Evidences Conspiracy in Paris Attacks.”
CLICK HERE to read about eye-witness interviews and complicity in the conspiracy by the Militant Media.
If you do a Google search on Sherri Kane, you will probably notice she has been widely defamed by a seemingly large group of racist, anti-Semitic, and sexist men who obviously feel their lives spent on the Internet libeling her is a profitable pastime.
Here are some political reasons why:
Sherri Kane is America’s gutsiest investigative journalist, news commentator, psycho-social analyst, and political activist, specializing in uncovering what predators do to women, children, and even animals. She exposes human and animal rights violators, child sex traffickers, and human slavery networks, several involving high ranking government officials.
Sherri does not hesitate to investigate, analyze, and vet the dark world of government and intelligence agencies’ corruption, and agents’ complicity in organized crimes. She refutes the propaganda published to manipulate and damage people, and exposes what is being concealed by the FBI/CIA’s COINTELPRO (that was supposed to have stopped abusing people and depriving human rights in 1976 by Acts of Congress). Sherri delves into conspiracy realities so dark that very few people dare to study them.
For instance, you may have heard of the political fracas involving certain members of Congress, a high ranking official in the Republican Party, and the mysterious disappearances and abuses of children at “Boys Town” in Nebraska, called “The Franklin Cover-up.” Thanks to Ms. Kane’s heroic investigative reporting, the matter has now been exposed as “The Franklin Double-coverup.”
You may recall the Gulf Oil Crisis, maybe even the extensive coverage Jesse Ventura and TruTV gave to the “Conspiracy Theory” implicating Halliburton, BP, and TransOcean in the intentional explosion and environmental devastation in the Gulf of Mexico. Ms Kane sourced the story and appears on the segment.
Sherri wrote the foreword to Dr. Horowitz’s music-industry-transforming book, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of Love, and co-produced and is co-starring in Dr. Horowitz’s controversial docu-comedy PHARMAWHORES: The SHOWTIME Sting of Penn & Teller, winner of the 2010 Accolade Award for “Uniqueness in Documentary Film-making.”
Ms. Kane is the Vice President of Medical Veritas online journal, has published works in newspapers, magazines and many websites, and has been interviewed worldwide including on Al Jazeera’s A9 Turkey, The Veritas Show, the BBC’s Talk Radio Europe, Late Night In The Midlands, WAC Connecticut, LA Talk Radio, and many others. She co-hosts the Hollywood Spin series of film reviews with Dr. Horowitz viewed on RevolutionTelevision.net and Vimeo’s Revolution Television Channel. Ms. Kane also co-hosted The HOROKANE Hour on LNM Radio Network with Dr. Horowitz, and co-wrote Space Pearl Harbor, reviewed in the 39-minute news program seen HERE.
Sherri is currently collaborating with Dr. Horowitz on various projects including Healthy World Organization (HWO), the alternative to the corrupt World Health Organization (WHO), HealthyWorldAffiliates.com, and advancing the power of “528 Hz” frequency for global healing, as experienced at 528Records.com, 528Radio.com, and 528Revolution.com.
E-mail inquiries to SherriKane@gmail.com.
Copyright © 2015, by Sherri Kane and Leonard G. Horowitz, all rights reserved. Permission is granted to reprint sections of this article with proper attributions and website links.