The U.S. Supreme Court Avoids Hawaii Mob Rule, Illegal Military Occupation, Royal Manslaughter, Their Own Immigration Policy, and Deep State Treason
Bush Appointee Seabright Under Scrutiny for Obstructing Grand Jury Investigation Into Hawaii Corruption in Cases that Vet Deep State Treason
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
Sherri Kane
Honolulu (9/11/17)
Clear corruption in the Justice Department and federal courts extends to every state. But Hawaii presents the most glaring example. The U.S. District Court decisions in Hawaii that blocked President Trump’s immigration policy provides substantive evidence for this analysis of Deep State influence and charges of treason.
Background on “Mob Rule” Over “Paradise”
According to these authors knowledge and beliefs, on July 27, 2017, the Supreme Court’s Ninth District opened an investigation into allegations of “Judicial Misconduct” charged against Hawaii’s Chief Justice, J. Michael Seabright, in the federal District Court of Honolulu.
Seabright is being accused of obstructing justice and aiding-and-abetting racketeering in Hawaii. These matters of fact are explained in a new book by retired police investigator, James Benish. The Fifth Seal: RICO Hawaiian Style, begins with Benish investigating the murder of 4 year-old Hawaii royal, Lacy Woolsey Ruff–a heroic quest that takes Benish through the heart of “mob rule” in “paradise.” He now demands to know why Judge Seabright squelched the Grand Jury investigation and is suggesting a new Grand Jury be relocated to another district.
Racketeers in white collar organized crimes within the judiciary and police departments are rampant in this “rainbow state,” and Seabright is evidenced to have compounded, even aided-and-abetted, their damage by blocking Benish’s pursuit of justice. These authors are among the many victims.
Earlier, Seabright squelched the complaint filed by these authors against Hilo, Hawaii attorney, Paul J. Sulla, Jr. and his “expert witness,” Alma C. Ott. Ott (a.k.a “Dr. ‘True’ Ott). Incredibly, in a state called “the multi-cultural melting pot,” Ott received Seabright’s favor despite evidence of Ott being America’s leading White Supremacist neo-Nazi propagandist.
Meanwhile, in a case involving these authors, Sulla is charged with running drugs through a “KKK-like church” on Hawaii island. His Jonestown-like facility manufactures the psychedelic brew called “hoasca” (i.e., “DMT”), forbidden by the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Gonzales v. O Centro Espírita Beneficente União do Vegetal, (546 US 418 – Supreme Court 2006). Sulla is the church’s “head priest,” and its drug “kingpin.” He operates by virtual consent and willful blindness of the Hawaii courts, state and federal, and bribed officials.
Seabright blocked Benish’s grand jury complaint alleging the publicly censured lawyer Sulla stole more than Dr. Horowitz’s home and life savingsd. The Affidavit alleges kidnapping, family trust conversions, foreclosure fraud, wire fraud, real estate theft, forgery, and perjury. Benish reported widespread judicial corruption has permitted many families to suffer similarly, from Sulla and the “brotherhood” of lawyers across the state operating “above the law.” State judges, prosecutors, Seabright and even the FBI turned willfully blind eyes to, for instance, Sulla’s fake churches and sham companies used to launder money and steal people’s properties.
“Watson ruled against Trump in favor of Ismail Elsheik, who, according to the FBI and intelligence community, operates as a leader within the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist enterprise conducting Jihad, the radical Islamic “Holy War,” against America and its allies.”
In another case stealing Jack Stahley’s family inheritance, the State’s top non-profit regulator in the Attorney General’s office helped his own wife and her co-counsel escape criminal indictments. Nancy Budd laundered Stahley’s stolen trust fund through the Hawaii Community Foundation–the state’s leading “non-profit.”
In 2016, Seabright put a hold on Sulla’s prosecution, leaving an $8 million default judgment still owed to these authors by Sulla’s collaborator, Ott. Meanwhile, Ott is known to the FBI as America’s leading White Supremacist and KKK propagandist. He operated under the FBI-CIA agent named Ted Gunderson. This West Coast FBI Division 5 Past Director, now deceased, largely pioneered the “conspiracy industry,” and the “Illuminati’s” infamy.
Every year, according to USA Today, more than 5,000 crimes are committed by FBI agents in, supposedly, pursuit of justice. Diving that number by 50 states, 100 crimes annually are committed in Hawaii by federal agents, and Ott and Sulla’s crimes are evidenced among them.
FBI director Gunderson and Ott worked together with Hollywood filmmaker Anthony Hilder. Together, Gunderson, Hilder and Ott, largely manufactured the anti-government movement exploding today. The “Patriot movement” and the “Christian Identity” movement was, likewise, substantially generated by these three agents of deception. They concealed and protected the FBI’s administration of KKK racially divisive groups.
The purpose of their success in outputting terrorizing propaganda was social engineering, inciting hatred and violence as witnessed in Charlottesville, VA. And if that is not bad enough, this FBI/CIA/NSA/Deep State Gunderson-administered protection racket concealed a child sex trafficking network involving many corrupted and bribed officials.
Their Deep State financed enterprise made money from false flag operations, violence, diseases, and genocides. Corporate fascists prosper managing racial divides and ethnic violence. They promote eugenics and globalization economics. All of this has justified the FBI’s increased appropriations for profitable “law enforcement.” FBI/CIA/NSA Deep State actions against groups like the Native Hawaiians, their Royal Family, the Black Panthers, today’s Black Lives Matter, and minority leaders like Malcolm X, Doctor King, and the Kennedys, are widely known to have shamed our “Democracy.” Lesser known is the “Franklin Double Coverup” that was suppressed like the “Lolita Express” in Pizzagate.(2)
The Gunderson-Hilder-Ott “cell” was assigned to manufacture right-wing anti-government propaganda. They spun the media to dominate and neutralize the Internet. They spread KKK (Christian Identity–White Nationalist) doctrines smearing Jews, Blacks, Muslims, and other ethnic groups.
This media savvy covert enterprise (i.e., the COINTELPRO it was called in J. Edgar Hoover’s day, or simply the “counter-intelligence program”) created and administered “CONTROLLED OPPOSITION” to secure their secret agendas. This is largely responsible for the political and social chaos seen today–the “anti-government movement.” That anti-government movement is actually a pro-globalization movement in disguise, and operated as “Controlled Opposition.”
In another instance, Ott’s and Gunderson’s supposed targets included key Deep State kingpins. President George H.W. Bush was frequently trashed. He was implicated by these “Controlled Opposition” agents in Pizzagate-like child sex trafficking. These provocateurs launched anti-government, easily-discredited, “radical,” “conspiracy theories,” charging “old man Bush” for pedophilia and kidnappings. The Johnny Gosch case is one example.
Thus, in this instant Ninth Circuit matter of investigating Seabright’s “impression of impropriety” and pattern of obstructing justice, we have an especially outrageous fact interfering. . . . Seabright was appointed by George H.W. Bush–the Deep State patriarch largely directing the Controlled Opposition cells that include Ott’s group of racist misfits.
Adding injury to insult, in 2015 Seabright described these authors’ filing for protection against Ott and Sulla’s cell of propagandists as “delusional.” That filing directly warned against the neo-Nazi-violence dividing and damaging America today. Ott and his underlings are evidenced having sourced the majority of anti-government propaganda surrounding the Arizona Massacre on January 8, 2011. That violence killed the Constitution-favoring Judge John Roll, and critically wounded his Jewish ally against drug trafficking and money laundering, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. This act of hate was inspired largely by Ott’s “cell” of neo-Nazi “Christian-Identity,” anti-government, propagandists. The shooter’s far-right-wing, anti-government, anti-Semitic, pro-violence attitudes were formed the same way most White Supremacists and neo-Nazis in America developed their radical biases today. Seabright sequestered this evidence, struck the illuminating filing, and by so doing, “harbored” Ott’’s and Sulla’s cell of Deep State agents. In effect, the Chief Justice of the U.S. District Court of Hawaii protected double-agents destroying America, committing treason.
Seabright’s ruling fueled Ott’s and Sulla’s alleged racketeering enterprise, and inspired Ott’s and Sulla’s cohorts in crime. Seabright arguably aided-and-abetted treason since Sulla’s drugs and Ott’s White hate campaigns have substantially destroyed the fabric of American society and the nation’s drug-free, violence-free, ethical, moral, and constitutional foundation.
Besides squashing Horowitz and Kane v. Sulla, Ott et. al., Seabright blocked Benish’s grand jury investigation. This obstruction of justice extended the cover-up of Hawaiian Royal, Lacy Wolsey Ruff, a murdered four-year-old.
Additional victims include Macia Zedales Maire, who evidences Sulla having directed a $200,000 theft by forgery, alleged kidnapping, and suspected murder of her father. Sulla targeted Mr. Zedales and his trust fund, according to court records. Sulla converted the family’s Trust from California to the First Hawaiian Bank. That bank, incredibly, is complicit with the Hawaii Community Foundation in alleged money laundering beyond Sulla’s pattern of grand larceny and Nancy Budd’s similar acts against Jack Stahley’s family. That bank is directly tied to the suspected murder of King Kalakaua, the last Hawaiian king, and the subsequent theft of Hawaiian Crown Lands from Queen Liliokalani.
Seabright has protected these alleged criminals, and his subordinates too. Judge Derick Watson and bankruptcy Judge Robert J. Faris. Faris did everything he could to secure Sulla’s theft of Horowitz’s estate. Watson directed the State’s case against Trump’s “travel ban,” and also ruled in favor of Sulla to preclude showing cause for Sulla’s thievery of Horowitz’s property.
Similarly, corrupt and willfully blind Big Island prosecutor Mitch Roth ceded Horowitz’s property to Sulla with support from the Hawaii County Council, Lincoln S. Ashida and State AG, Douglas Chin. Chin’s complaint against President Trump’s immigration law made national news in March, 2017.
Accordingly, based simply on this truthful article, Chin and Watson should also be investigated for treason. Why?
Watson ruled against Trump in favor of Ismail Elsheik, who, according to the FBI and intelligence community, operates as a leader within the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist enterprise conducting Jihad, the radical Islamic “Holy War,” against America and its allies.

Click to read about the missing cocaine, but realize Roth and Chin neglected and enabled Sulla’s DMT empire.
Section 1 of the U.S. Criminal Code defines treason as: “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason.” (Emphasis added.)
Accordingly, Seabright’s and Watson’s administration gave aid and comfort to Chin’s plaintiff, Elsheik, and did similarly for Sulla. Elsheik’s terrorist group connections and Sulla’s drug trafficking were both neglected. So much for the nation’s “War on Terror,” “War on Drugs,” and allegations of treason against judges Seabrightm Faris, and Watson.
These neglected “elephants in the courts” document treasonous miscarriages of justice. And evidence of Deep State influence in this treasonous enterprise is obvious in the media’s “silence” regarding these matters of judicial mischief and harboring agents threatening America. This willful blindness, silence, and National Security risk from official and media negligence reflects the heart of the “beast”—the illegal takeover of the Hawaiian Islands by corporate imperialists.
Background on Hawaii’s and America’s Illegal Occupation
During the late 1800s, the U.S. military acted as an accomplice with “Christian missionaries”–commercial agents from New England–in the illegal takeover of the Kingdom of Hawaii and its valuable Crown lands. This criminal conversion featured the King’s manslaughter. Pearl Harbor, a key opium trafficking port, generated vast sums of Pacific commerce. This termination of the King, followed by genocidal injustice in the local courts, is widely known for decimating the Native Hawaiian people and stealing their properties. Concealing these facts, and aiding the perpetrators, is also treasonous, because it is a direct violation of judges’ oaths of office, in direct defiance of the First and Fourteenth Amendments to Constitution.
Under these “special circumstances,” is not surprising the U.S. Supreme Court would neglect the “threshold issue” of its jurisdiction in this most controversial case. (1) Native Hawaiian sovereignty groups strongly oppose State and Federal presumptions of legal jurisdiction over matters impacting citizens living in the “aloha state.” The fact is, the Kingdom of Hawaii is an internationally recognized nation under illegal U.S. military occupation. In fact (for those who still don’t know), the monarchy was usurped by immigrants (called “businessmen” and “missionaries”) from New England who promised religious salvation financed by maritime commerce and Freemason-controlled banks. These entities, now called “The Big Five,” monopolized “New World” commerce through the Hawaiian islands featuring drug trafficking, slave trade, and plantation economies backed by military might repressing the monarchy and peaceful kingdom. New evidence published in Medical Veritas indicts U.S. military officials complicit with the founders of the Bank of Hawaii, First Hawaiian Bank, and University of Hawaii, in a conspiracy to overtake the Kingdom by manslaughter and media deceptions.
Judges are not supposed to be giving impressions of impropriety, by “silence,” willful blindness, obstructing justice, or otherwise. Chin’s victory for allegedly the “Muslim Community” in Watson’s court under Seabright’s watchful eyes no less, gave more than an “impression of impropriety.”
Watson’s ruling, largely favored by the recent Supreme Court decision in DONALD J. TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, ET AL v. INTERNATIONAL REFUGEE ASSISTANCE PROJECT, ET AL. (No. 16–1436 (16A1190)), came, get this, immediately after an “unscheduled” visit to Honolulu by Muslim Barack Hussein Obama, Trump’s adversary and Bush cartel’s Deep State agent. This impression of impropriety occurred just two days before Judge Watson–Obama’s judicial appointee–blocked Trump’s travel ban. The timing of this “unscheduled” event compounds the “impressions of impropriety” that partly explains the harsh criticism Judge Watson received from his Ninth Circuit detractors.
But this impression of impropriety under Deep State influence is also compounded by: (1) Seabright’s appointment to the federal bench by Hilary Clinton’s backer, Trump’s adversary, George H.W. Bush; (2) similarities between Obama’s Muslim associations and earlier financing by Bill and Bernardine Dohrn of the Weather Underground responsible for previous terrorist bombings of the Pentagon and government buildings during the 1970s to destabilize America in favor of communism; and (3) Bush’s, Obama’s and Elsheik’s links to radical Islamic financing fueling jihad by the Sheik of Qatar. (Note: These authors published irrefutable evidence of the Obama Administration’s alliance with Sheikh Hamad bin Mohammed Al Thani, heavily implicated in the funding of ISIS/ISIL and the massacre in Paris at the Bataclan Theater in 2015.
This reality and criminal psychopathology best explains the chaos headlined in the news.
“The proof that [Elsheik’s] mosque is affiliated with the Brotherhood is found in the court records for Honolulu County, which lists the deed holder [of Elsheik’s mosque] as the North American Islamic Trust,” wrote World News Daily. Curiously that publisher, Joseph Farah, (of Syrian and Lebanese descent) illegibly reprinted this evidence purportedly found in Honolulu County Tax Records. This possible “fake news” discredits John Guandolo, “a former FBI counter-terrorism specialist and now private consultant to law enforcement at Understanding the Threat.” According to Guandolo, all mosques under the “Muslim Association of” moniker are typically affiliated with the Brotherhood.
Contrary to Seabright and Watson’s decisions, the substantive issue is not simply President Trump’s seemingly hard-line anti-Muslim campaign statements claimed to evidence “un-Constitutional” religious “animus.” Nor is it simply a small time drug pusher and real estate money launderer named Sulla protected by the Hawaii mob. The real-and-present danger to Americans is bloody revolution, religious uprisings, or more terrorist attacks by mindless members of criminal cults concealing their leaders’ Deep State ties, such as Sulla’s connections to the CIA, and Elsheik’s links to the anti-American Islamic Brotherhood’s jihad.
All of this smacks of the same Deep State dynamics of CIA backing, financing, and arming of ISIS/ISIL openly acknowledged and opposed, almost exclusively by Russian President Putin, Syrian President Assad, and Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard.
Most substantive to this scandal is the concealed financing and traitorous political interests of the State of Hawaii’s transparent alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood and Deep State influence here. In this “rainbow state,” the once-named “Bush cartel” heavily influences military, immigration, and intelligence operations, including the corporate-controlled media, the courts, and sadly, the Justice Department too.
(1) Quoting the U.S. Supreme Court decision in this case featuring Hawaii’s opposition to Trump’s immigration policy, the Court wrote:
Dr. Leonard Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., D.N.M. (hon.), D.M.M. (hon.), is the author of nineteen books, including the prophetically titled Death In The Air: Globalism,Terrorism and Toxic Warfare that came out three months before 9-11-01. That book deals with biological and energy weapons being used for population control. His three American best-sellers include: Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional? that was largely responsible for prompting explosive interest in vaccination risks and biological warfare; Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, that revealed the ancient Solfeggio musical scale secreted for millennia; and Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine and Modern Science in which Dr. Horowitz presents his protocol for administering prevention and speedy recoveries. His most recent text, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE, has prompted a revolution in the music industry improving recording artistry and music therapy with the use of C=528Hz(A=444Hz) tuning that produces “medicinal music.” Dr. Horowitz also works to advance Healthy World Organization (HWO) as an alternative to the duplicitous World Health Organization (WHO). In 2014, he and co-author, Sherri Kane, published Space Pearl Harbor, vetting the secret military involvements in Hawaii Island’s Thirty Meter Telescope (“TMT”) project that was grossly misrepresented to citizens, and remains neglected by the press.
Sherri Kane is an investigative journalist who defected from FOX News, Los Angeles, for ethical reasons. She has written extensively on Barack Obama’s history, counter-intelligence methods used by Internet “gang stalkers,” and the “PharmaMedia,” detailing links between the wealthiest Wall Street investors in mass media and the pharmaceutical industry. Sherri also specializes in women’s and children’s health issues and child sex trafficking whistleblowing. She also advocates for animal rights. Ms. Kane is the Vice President of Medical Veritas International, Inc., that launched with Dr. Horowitz the LOVE/528 Revolution,, and the 528Radio Network impacting recording artistry and natural healing internationally. Online DVDs featuring Dr. Horowitz and Ms. Kane include: NSA/CIA Trolls Destroy Heroes to Profit Villains: Snowden/Wikileaks Evidence Protection Racket for the Death Industry.
Dr. Horowitz’s and Sherri Kane’s latest documentary: UN-VAXXED: A Docu-commentary for Robert De Niro won five international awards, including “Best Film – 2016” in London and Geneva competitions.
To contact Sherri Kane, or Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, please e-mail: with your special requests.
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