BREITBART Exposed in “National Security” Ebolagate Fraud
Andrew Breitbart Dishonored As “National Security Editor” Disgraces News Organization in Ebolagate Conspiracy
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
Andrew Breitbart is either smiling or rolling over in his grave. The left-leaning journalist who directed Tea Party activists and “political dissidents” to little-known facts about President Obama’s jaded past has been either disgraced by his replacements abusing his name and reputation, or honored by their spin-capacity for yellow journalism.
Breitbart, the journalist, died mysteriously (i.e., was allegedly assassinated) shortly after threatening to terminate Obama’s presidential campaign by publishing explosive videos proving the President’s complicity with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn of the Weather Underground. The “Weathermen” led by the President’s wealthiest campaigners, were members of a radical left terrorist organization that bombed police stations, the U.S. Capitol Building, and the Pentagon, allegedly in protest to corporate fascist governmental policies during the civil rights era and Vietnam War.
Following Breitbart’s death from either a bad heart, too much booze, or a Ayers/Obama hit, “,” was overtaken by money, especially Ruppert Murdoch’s. Fox News (part of Murdoch’s News Corp. group) is now openly cited on said website as the news provider’s exclusive “Partner.”
On September 13, 2014, journalist Sherri Kane (my partner) wrote a story on titled ““FEAR NOW” EBOLAGATE: CBS News Censors Diplomat and Ebola Book in National Security Scandal.” Therein, Kane, a Fox News defector who trained and wrote for Murdoch & Co. in Los Angeles, exposed CBS News, Google/YouTube, Wikipedia, UBM, iReach, and PR Newswire for complicity in an irrefutable conspiracy to censor my identity, credentials, authority, and three-year scientific investigation into the origins of HIV/AIDS and Ebola viruses, that resulted in my best-selling book Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional?
So what you read below about smearing my reputability, along with a Liberian Observer news story written by Dr. Cyril Broderick, a former professor of Plant Pathology at the University of Liberia’s College of Agriculture and Forestry, is par-for-the-course in Central Intelligence Agency-influenced yellow press.
Ironically, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional? also derailed Obama presidential campaign for a time. The mainstream media monopoly resented Obama’s minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, for actually telling the truth about AIDS being a genocidal weapon aimed at “people of color.” I was instantly interviewed by CNN within minutes of that “Breaking News.” I was then solicited to engage Rick Sanchez in the “Situation Room” to defend my claims and Wright’s acknowledgment. CNN, as I should have expected, censored the entire taping after Sanchez failed to accomplish what he was instructed to do–that is, discredit me.

Frances Martel, “National Security, Assoc. Editor,”
Critically examining author, and “National Security Editor,” Frances Martel’s article on, prima facie fraud and evidence of conspiracy is found in quotes like the following:
“That the Liberian Daily Observer is currently featuring [honest Ebola intelligence] on its front page is of particular concern. The Observer is Liberia’s largest newspaper, with a circulation of 30,000, mostly in the capital, Monrovia. Given the backdrop of panic into which this “report” is being disseminated, the consequences could be devastating for Liberia. The nation is already fending off significant distrust from the Liberian people–the kind of distrust that makes family members kidnap their own relatives out of hospitals to bring them to traditional herbalists for treatment they trust, the kind of distrust that triggers mob attacks on medical facilities run by the WHO and Doctors Without Borders and looting of healthcare buildings.”
In other words, Murdoch & Co., that has billions of dollars invested in drug companies, with son James (who wiretaps and extorts British Parliamentary officials for “news tips” while acting as the Non-Executive Director of Glaxo-Smith-Klein-Beecham drug monopoly; and let us not neglect other Murdoch kin heavily invested in Merck & Co.’s vaccine enterprise), does not want you to think that I am anything but crazy and a threat to society.
Nice try, Murdoch/Breitbart prostitute “Frances Martel,” if that is truly your real name. Your transparent propaganda shall henceforth discredit you all the days of your lying life. Let’s examine the truth about your published slime:
1) The Observer newspaper in Liberia does not have a circulation of 30,000, according to three independent sources in Monrovia. “Daily Observer sells up to 3,200-3,500 copies daily,” wrote a Ministry of Health & Social Welfare, Republic of Liberia, official. Two other Liberians echoed that fact, including Putugah Takpaw Phenom and Jauz Everliving King, leading social activists. They joined me by telephone from Liberia during a radio interview on The Jenny Hatch Radio Show. You can listen to them discussing the Ebola situation as of Sept. 23, 2014. Listen to their comments regarding the media censorship and deceptions spreading fear across Liberia, just like America, as a plague worse than Ebola. Then ask yourself, “Why would Frances Martel,, FOX News, and Ruppert Murdoch publish a ten-fold lie about the Observer‘s circulation?”
Shame on you “Frances” for framing me–a 528Revoutionary and peace activist–as a “National Security risk.” Henceforth the world shall know you for the traitor to righteousness, good conscience, and America that you have become.
Apparently, Martel’s COINTELPRO handlers grew tired of gaining disappointing returns from their lame attempts to discredit me as a “delusional dentist,” or “conspiracy theorist.” So they assigned a frumpy girl who dyes her hair pink in an attempt to hide her physical and emotional insecurities.
And here’s more. . . .
2) Martel wrote, “With such resistance from Africa’s communities to finding a cure, the Ebola virus will only continue to spread, and having claimed more than 2,000 lives already, Ebola can only grow as an existential threat to West African governments.”
How grossly embarrassing! You would not believe from that run-on sentence that 27-year-old Martel had ever passed high school English.
But, Martel credits herself on Facebook as being (now get this) the “Associate Editor, National Security at BREITBART.”
Whoaah!! Excuse me! Martel is a lawyer (supposedly), and human rights advocate, supposedly, at Fordham University School of Law; and also Harvard University.
Now I went to Harvard, and I cannot conceive that a Harvard graduate would write, let alone publish, the aforementioned run-on-lies. Especially someone who studied law, wherein lawyers are sworn to tell “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Lawyers are under oath to “defend the Constitution,” and protect the rights of We The People. But at, this Harvard lawyer edits National Security stories to deprive humanity of the right to live freely, in health and sanity, free from terrorizing hypocrisy concealing Murdoch’s conflicting interests in drugs and vaccines.
Assuming “Frances” was vaccinated like a good pharmaceutical industry prostitute, her racist writing reflects brain damage– neurotoxicity from mercury poisoning no doubt–common among vaccinated fools or the misinformed.
Martel’s statement, “With such resistance from Africa’s communities to finding a cure,” evidences outrageous racism. Pray tell, upon what National Security intelligence briefing was this assertion sourced? From Africa?
News Alert, for BREITBART–Africans welcome cures for all the biological weapons white demons have loosed on their continent.
BREITBART’s News’ Editor-in-Chief, Alex Marlow, claimed Martel is “a top-notch writer with impeccable news judgment.” What does that make him?
Martel’s run-on-sentence continues, “Ebola can only grow as an existential threat to West African governments.”
That reads like a Freudian slip on Jean-Paul Sartre’s existential view of National Security being a proletariat con job.
What is an “existential threat?” Does that differ from an actual threat? Like a contrived threat? More importantly, why would any reputable journalist claim Ebola is only a threat “to West African governments?” It seems Marlow and Martel got their “intelligence” wrong a week before President Obama called the “African problem” “a top U.S. National Security priority.”
Does anyone know if dying hair pink causes brain damage?
As any fool can see, Martel and the mainstream media share conflicting National Security interests. On the one hand, officials claim they are concerned about preventing Ebola’s spread across Africa and elsewhere. On the other hand they disparage and censor the root causes and cures for the problem.
Why the Censorship and What’s The Cure?
You cannot discredit U.S. Government/National Institutes of Health (NIH)/NCI contracts. So Western intelligence agencies and their propaganda outlets have censored this compelling discovery of evidence, and supplemented their deadly lies with new claims that Russian agents contrived claims of American military complicity with drug companies in the creation of AIDS and Ebola.
Unfortunately, I disproved that propaganda in two ways: 1) by reprinting NIH Contract Nos. 71-2025 and 71-2059 in black-and-white for disbelievers; and 2) by reprinting federal documents proving Dr. Robert Gallo and his group from the NCI gave Russia’s leading bioweapons developers America’s viral engineering secrets at the height of the cold war!
Thus, the Russian hoax theory is disproved; and, more importantly, these documents also prove that the military-medical-petrochemical-pharmaceutical-banking cartel indiscriminately fuels capitalism and communism to damage populations under the guise of contrived wars.
Can you imagine the liability that would result from a grand jury verdict that AIDS and Ebola was genetically engineered by 1974? That claim grossly discredits AIDS virus “co-discoverer” Robert Gallo, who denied these facts, despite my confronting him with the aforementioned contract bearing his name as “Project Officer” for the NCI overseeing the “Investigation of Viral Carcinogenesis in Primates.” The second contract exposed the Merck pharmaceutical company for receiving contaminated chimpanzees used to develop the first hepatitis B vaccines given to gay men in New York City, Central African women, particularly sex workers in the Congo (Zaire), and Willowbrook State School mentally retarded children on Staten Island. The latter experiments (co-sponsored by the U.S. Army) resulted in Willowbrook’s closing in 1976 (as misrepresented by Geraldo Rivera when he issued his report on “child abuse” at Willowbrook to launch his career in yellow journalism.
For anyone still living in denial about these facts, I recommend viewing: 1) “Merck Chief Brings HIV/AIDS to America” viewed by more than a million people before Google/YouTube blocked it. All viewers are shocked by the world’s leading vaccine developer, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, and his production assistants from WGBH, Boston, laughing over bringing the AIDS virus to America in contaminated animals shipped precisely as I evidenced in Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional? Litton Bionetics, a leading U.S. military bioweapons supplier, shipped the chimps; and 2) “Robert Gallo: The Man that Created AIDS” viewed by more than a half-million people. Here I confronted Gallo for lying at the XI International Conference on AIDS, concealing his National Cancer Institute (NCI), Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP), assignment overseeing Litton Bionetics’s immune system destroying virus developments.
Because of the widespread loss of life, fear, physical trauma, and despair among Liberians and other West African citizens, I am compelled by my public duty, and First Amendment responsibility, to make the following recommendations to end this devastation. If I neglect to do so, these outbreaks and commercial crimes will continue to recur. I tell the truth about this matter, and adequately confront those guilty of treason and genocide, beginning with BREITBART.
BREITBART editors exposed the entire NSA/CIA/BigPharma anti-trust commercial crime in one more transparent run on sentence:
“The nation is already fending off significant distrust from the Liberian people–the kind of distrust that makes family members kidnap their own relatives out of hospitals to bring them to traditional herbalists for treatment they trust, the kind of distrust that triggers mob attacks on medical facilities run by the WHO and Doctors Without Borders and looting of healthcare buildings.”
In other words, BREITBART fronts for pharmaceutical special interests, contractors, and conspirators that: a) poison and neglect the world’s poor; b) deprive people of clean free water; c) withholding and degrading green food that grows amply nearly everywhere (or can be grown even in deserts with water); and d) smears traditional herbs (from which most drugs source) that compete directly with costly drugs and vaccines that underdeveloped nations and their citizens cannot access or afford. All the above evidences grossly unfair and deceptive trade practices in violation of the Sherman Anti-trust Act and international laws against genocide.
Simple and powerfully effective remedies for Ebola, and most other infectious diseases threatening civilization include: 1) ample rehydration; 2) oxygenation of embattled blood; 3) alkylization of body chemistry using readily available products including baking soda; 4) remineralization using the most readily available sea salt; 5) and basic nutrients derived from plants that can be made into simple good-tasting soups.
The aforementioned two punch prescription: 1) honest diagnosis and truth-telling to put genocidalists in jail; and 2) returning to civility most naturally and sustainably, will cure what ails humanity.
About the author:

Dr. Horowitz is honored to hold a financial interest in OxySilver–the world’s most powerful alternative to risky vaccinations and deadly antibiotics. The doctor based this pioneering advancement on the special qualities and accumulating knowledge associated with 528Hz frequency electro-resonance imparted to the oxygen-silver molecule. He, thus, manufactured the first nutraceutical akin to “Holy Water” to be used with “prayer power.” The combination of anti-microbial effects of the safe and effective covalently-bonded silver hydrosol, compounded by the LOVE/528/FAITH “good vibration” of people’s hearts matching the molecular vibration of the formula, best accommodates natural healing and enhanced immunity against infectious diseases.
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