Dengue Fever Exposed Along with Big Island Fools
Dengue Fever Exposed!
Media-Driven Big Island Bioterrorism Evidences “Crisis Capitalism,” a Pattern of “Commercial Sabotage,” and Fevered Fools.
It is your public duty to consider this “conspiracy theory.”
Could the 2015 Hawaii Dengue Fever Outbreak Have Come From Oxitec?
Sherri Kane
Introduction and Overview
Big Island, HI–The 2015 dengue fever “outbreak” on Hawaii Island began between September and November, 2015. Headlines immediately heralded the unavailability of a vaccine and, therefore, the need to raise money for the State health department to spray the toxic pesticide “Aqua Resin.” That chemical is produced by the German Bayer company, infamous for having administered Nazi concentration camps and mass murders through its parent company–the grandfather of Big Pharma–IG Farben. That original Big Pharma chemical combine included the Hoechst chemical company, today part of Sanofi Pasteur that, coincidentally, produces the new dengue fever vaccine.
Ironically, the Big Island outbreak struck America’s first county to have banned open-air testing and growing of genetically-modified (GM) crops. The dengue fever “emergency” closely followed an avalanche of publicity in mid-August promoting newly developed genetically-engineered mosquitoes and dengue vaccine technologies marketed to purportedly remedy this disease, not spread it.
The media curiously, vicariously, and insidiously spun: (1) public and legislative clamor for an experimental dengue fever vaccine already being tested in Mexico (Sanofi Pasteur; Isis innovations, Evercore); (2) genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes currently being tested in outbreak areas of Brazil and Florida (Isis innovations, Evercore, Oxitec/Intrexon); and (3) the next step in “synthetic biology” and “disease control”–GM mosquitoes that vector GM dengue viruses claimed to immunize people against dengue fever. (Isis technologies, Evercore, Oxitec, Intrexon, Merck, Sanofi-Pasteur). All of the above are currently pending testing and marketing by Oxford University-affiliated companies contributing mostly to Big Pharma’s (and Big Biotech’s) advance of “genetopharmaceuticals”–genetically-engineered medicines administered through GMO exposures, vectored infections, or “immunizations.”
Isis Innovations’ spin-out company, Oxitec (acquired by Intrexon in August, 2015), solicited Dr. Sarah Park of the Hawaii Health Department to test their technologies on the Big Island, including GM mosquitoes. Oxitec, was acquired in mid-August by Randal J. Kirk’s Intrexon Co. to lead the pharmaceutical industry in “synthetic biology” (i.e., genetically modified viruses, bacteria, insects, animals and eventually humans too). In the weeks leading up to the Big Island “outbreak,” Kirk and company paid the New York public relations firm PR Newswire service, the French/Qatar Legardere media group, and other mainstream media outlets, the propaganda needed to fuel markets for Kirk’s new products. This is how Kirk and companies would grow their “private equity” interests for investors allied with the world’s largest drug makers, vaccine manufacturers, and biotechnology companies. Those that recently developed the dengue fever vaccine, including Merck and Sanofi Pasteur, take the lions share of the profits.
Since dengue fever mosquitoes and vaccines are both in experimental stages, for which test situations like the Big Island of Hawaii are needed, the marketing we are witnessing, together with the time of onset of the “outbreak,” raises “probable cause” to consider a conspiracy–not a “conspiracy theory”–a criminal conspiracy in this Age of Bioterrorism and genetopharmaceuticals.
The “Militant Media” is not beyond scrutiny. An intelligent analysis of news content, purpose, and timing, provides evidence of a conspiracy, aided-and-abetted by complicit public relations firms paid millions of dollars to frighten people, to sell the solution to the “problem” urged by public officials similarly influenced to generate public “reaction” and “emergency legislation.” This “Problem-Reaction-Solution” model is regularly abused to administer “crisis capitalism.” In this way, multi-national corporations that hold little to no allegiance to sovereign governments, or citizens, railroad societies into profitable schemes, reactions, and solutions to corporate-contrived problems.
Under these circumstances, Occam’s razor analysis, is used in Western courts of law by jurors considering the “preponderance of evidence” needed to convict conspirators of such organized crimes. That is, a “smoking gun” or “clear-and-convincing” evidence is not needed in American or English jurisprudence to convict conspiracy felons. All that is needed is a “preponderance of evidence,” laid out in a reasonably organized fashion, for jurors’ to administer a guilty verdict.
In this case study, given the “preponderance of evidence,” it is most reasonable to consider “industrial sabotage” and “crisis capitalism” as the most reasonable cause for the sudden emergence of dengue fever in paradise. The facts, evidence, and special circumstances surrounding the outbreak, media coverage, and results observed, are factors in analyzing “discovery” for courts and juries.
It is, in fact, according to law, your “public duty” to consider these facts and compounding intelligence to save lives, including possibly your own.
Given this urgency and responsibility to self and society, you must consider what most people choose to neglect out of fear and ignorance— the historically unscrupulous abuses of human populations to test experimental and even FDA-approved drugs and vaccines, and the history of the companies involved in what amounts to genocide–making vast fortunes from humanity’s suffering and environmental poisoning.
The facts being what they are, including Big Pharma‘s complicity in the atrocities of WWI and WWII, it is your public duty to consider this information, “conspiracy theory” or not. By the law of “public duty doctrine” everyone is responsible for protecting everyone else from harm’s way. So you have an ethical and legal responsibility to act in your own best interest, and not only for those affected on the Big Island of Hawaii, but for people everywhere experiencing the same or similar circumstances evidencing a globally damaging criminal enterprise.
In this case, the sudden emergence of dengue fever on the Big Island perfectly timed for Kirk and Co. to leverage the sickening fright to capitalize on Oxitec’s acquisition and GM mosquitoes, as well as prosper from his corporate-partners’ investments in GM dengue fever viruses and vaccines must be seriously considered, especially since mosquitoes are well known to transmit infectious diseases, including dengue fever and malaria, and GM biotechnology for proposed insect-delivered “immunization” is well within the reach of Isis innovations’ “spin off” companies.
Why not experiment using GM insects to deliver vaccines to cure infectious diseases?
The drug industry has historically used citizens experimentally, and unwary populations risk being further abused. Big Islanders are especially at risk now for at least three reasons: (1) Citizens here have opposed Monsanto most forcefully, and Monsanto is owned by the Pfizer Drug Co. More than anywhere in America, citizen opposition compelled the Hawaii County Council to pass serious restrictions on GM agriculture on the Big Island, and commercial retaliation through industrial sabotage is reasonably suspected; (2) opposition to the illegal U.S. military occupation of the sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii is strongest on the Big Island, so why not punish the revolutionaries; and (3) opposition to the $3 billion Thirty Meter Telescope project is strong on the Big Island where citizens were defrauded by multi-national corporations and officials concealing serious “military connections” vetted by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, and this author, this summer. In this context of the circumstances being what they are on the Big Island of Hawaii, the dengue fever outbreak and fright here serves to divert opposition forces and delivers the message of special interests, reinforcing science and dependence on multi-national corporations to solve every woe, and explore new frontiers of inner and outer space.
Consequently, Hawaii County Council members are advised to proceed with caution on the dengue fever matter. Dr. Horowitz, a public health and emerging diseases expert, and Big Island resident, has been especially vocal on these matters. He points to several natural alternatives to GM treatments that could be used to save lives, but are being neglected, especially by the media. Furthermore, in the wake of media censorship, Dr. Horowitz is calling for an independent investigation into Oxitec/Intrexon and their correspondence with Hawaii’s chief epidemiologist, Dr. Sarah Park, who has taken the lead in administering the State’s outbreak response.
Two Sides of the Debate
According to controversies ongoing online at the time of this writing, there are two sides to this debate. One side believes everything the media and Dr. Park tells them about dengue fever’s origin, methods of prevention that feature toxic pesticide spraying, and lack of treatment for lacking a vaccine. The other side objects to official misrepresentations, omissions, and censorship. Government watchdogs and natural medicine advocates point to evidence of Big Pharma’s many genocides–killing masses of “patients” for profit, blatantly neglecting life-saving, cost-effective, natural remedies for all infectious diseases, including dengue fever.
Dr. Horowitz is a leading voice in natural medicine, heralding the keys to health, peace, and freedom through the “528LOVERevolution,” prescribing the natural cures for every infectious disease. Here’s what he recommends: (1) good hydration; (2) oxygenation; (3) alkalinization; (4) good nutrition and remineralization; (5) good hygiene; and (6) good attitude to reduce stress and boost immunity.
The doctor evidences federal grants to biotech companies in the hundreds of millions of dollars for cures for many diseases, and objects to the concealment of “covalantly-bonded silver hydrosols” used to keep astronauts free from infectious diseases on space missions that are far less costly, much safer, and much easier to manufacture, than antibiotics and vaccines. He points to the crime of withholding this technology from needy and frighted people.
Dr. Horowitz also considers the terrible toll on society and quality of life from being frighted about going outdoors, being bitten by mosquitoes, impulse shopping to buy insect repellents, crib and bed screens, and more. He also considers people who are increasingly fearful of social contacts, shaking hands with others who might be infected with infectious germs. The damage to mental health from phobias generated by the media is entirely overlooked.
Is it a “conspiracy theory” or a crime to consider these matters, or recommend safe, natural, low cost, alternatives to costly, risky, and deadly drugs and vaccines?
“Yes,” say the Internet trolls.
For taking a stand few dare to take, nor have knowledge to defend, especially for recommending the aforementioned alternatives and exposing Big Pharma’s conflicting interests, Dr. Horowitz is persecuted and disparaged.
Compounding this injustice is the fact that infectious outbreaks, traditionally considered “natural,” are now widely suspected of being abused by drug companies to sell their antibiotics and vaccines.
Thus, questioning the legitimacy of what corporate-controlled media outputs is not unreasonable. To make matters worse and more confusing, in all cases, threatening diseases and deaths are always accompanied by media propaganda boosting investors’ profits. Myriad pharmaceuticals have come and gone after being approved by the FDA, only later determined to be ineffective and downright deadly.
It is, therefore, prudent to be suspicious whenever a new “outbreak” is declared by officials, especially those proposing risky and costly solutions; and particularly those heralded by officials with financial ties to drug companies, or other conflicting interests.
One outrageous example of such propaganda leveraging the dengue fever outbreak appeared in The Guardian on December 21, 2015. It was “[b]rought to you by SC Johnson, a Family Company” that advertised “increasing ingredient transparency powered by the SC Johnson Greenlist process.” The “sponsor,” SC Johnson, sells insecticides, including the famous brand RAID, now flying off grocery shelves courtesy of the following “news.”
In every case, financial and political agendas are served by different forms of BIOTERRORISM, whether state sponsored and media driven, or sourced by terrorists and media driven.
The sudden “emergence” of sickening and frightening dengue fever in paradise–the Big Island of Hawaii–was immediately leveraged by health officials to increase funding. This fact is evidenced in newspapers accompanied by commercial propaganda. State and County officials were asked to appropriate funds for mosquito control, and the Dengue fever eradication program. Dr. Park, and others in the pharmaceutical industry and government, have directed increased spending for not only spraying toxic pesticides on the Big Island, but other responses too. Among the remedies being proposed by Dr. Park, generally neglected by news sources, are the new mosquitoes marketed by Oxitec/Intrexon.
Dr. Park Proposes Mutated Mosquitoes for the Big Island
The Hawaii Free Press carried Dr. Parks’s revelation that she had been questioned by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regarding Oxitec’s solicitation for Big Island experimentation with mutant mosquitoes to curb dengue fever. The agency stated clearly that approvals would be necessary. Approvals from who?
Do citizens get to vote?
It should be known that this new GM-insect technology resulted in an emergency in Brazil; wherein, once again, the media misrepresented the damage done and expanding risks to public health after the experiment.
Wikipedia, widely known to be a CIA-sponsored propaganda mill, explained that genetically modified mosquitoes are being promoted as an alternative to pesticide spraying. “The modified strain,” this yellow press reported, is “known as OX513A.” It “requires the antibiotic tetracycline to develop beyond the larval stage and passes this trait onto offspring. Modified males raised in a laboratory develop normally as they are supplied with this chemical and can be released into the wild. However, their subsequent offspring will find no tetracycline in their environments and will never develop into adults. An Oxford firm, Oxitec, is performing a pilot program in Juazeiro, Brazil, to test the effectiveness of these modifications in reducing disease spread. A 2010 study in the Cayman Islands released over three million OX513A mosquitoes. The wild population of mosquitoes subsequently dropped by 80%.”
Wikipedia omitted what Christina Sarich reported for Natural Society News–the fact that the Brazil study ultimately failed. An emergency was re-declared in the Bahia, Brazil area, and especially in Jacobina, after it was determined that the 80% drop in one species of mosquitoes caused other species to flourish. Those problems were concealed by the press, precisely like what is happening in Hawaii.
The Brazilian press censored the fact that the mayor of Jacobina, after first praising the claimed initial success, issued a decree in February 2014 renewing the state of emergency “due to the abnormal situation characterized as a biological disaster of dengue epidemic.”
It would be foolish to think Oxitec, that is funded by, and directed by, several of the world’s wealthiest private equity investment bankers–people who seek to expand their markets for drugs, vaccines, as well as profit from depopulation, would not have contacted Dr. Park to solicit what she reported.
Dr. Park was quoted in the Hawaii Free Press, as stating:
“Scientists in England have created a sterile male mosquito, which if released, would flood a region with genetically-altered mosquitoes and eventually kill off a population.
‘Males actually don’t bite. The females bite in order to prepare to be able to lay eggs,’” said Dr. Park.
‘The thought was Hawaii is an ideal location to try this because we share no borders and we have the capacity to potentially, if this works, have islands with no mosquitoes,’” Park promoted, freely advertising Oxitec’s technology.
“Now everyone wants a world free of mosquitoes,” Dr. Horowitz rebutted. “But I find this idea of releasing genetically-engineered mosquitoes to combat dengue fever contrary to both science and common sense,” he said, referencing a Cambridge University publication. “Unless, that is, you seek to kill a lot of people most profitably.
“That is the reason I produced my presentation for the HCC,” Dr. Horowitz continued. “It is most certainly my public duty. If I were to neglect that duty, I could actually be held accountable for censoring foreknowledge of risks to public health. It is for this reason that I claim there is a dangerous and damaging media agenda advancing here, not even known to Dr. Park, who I experienced to be most ignorant, arrogant, and therefore deadly. (Click the “” banner above to view Dr. Horowitz debating Dr. Park on PBS television.) Anyone, especially a public health official, who diverts from informing people that vaccines are made from GMOs, and that GMOs are potential pathogens and cancer triggers, is guilty of malfeasance, consumer fraud, and aiding-and-abetting organized crime.”
“Dr. Park should be aware of studies such as the one from Drs. Thavara, Tawatson and Nagao, in Epidemiology and Infection.
In that scientific publication it states that:
“. . . the targeted mosquitoes may simply move to another area and/or a different species of mosquito (Aedes albopictus) which also transmits dengue can move into the area. Complex immune responses to the four types of dengue virus mean that a partial reduction in mosquito numbers can reduce cross-immunity to the different serotypes and increase the number of cases of the severe form of the disease, Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever, which is more likely to be fatal.” ( Click to download the entire Journal Article Epidemiology and Infections.)
“Obviously, this will impact public health, tourism and the Big Island environment,” Dr. Horowitz warned. “And Dr. Park’s representations on behalf of Oxitec and the ‘Oxford group,’ compels the question, who or what is Oxitec and Intrexon, the companies that produce these genetically modified mosquitoes, and can they be trusted with our lives and sacred environment?
(Dr. Horowitz answered these questions in his censored presentation that can be viewed HERE.)
Public Duty to Consider the Suspicious Source of the Outbreak and Combat Censorship
The threat of contrived pandemics, and intentional releases of germs in this Age of Bioterrorism, powerful drug industry interests, and legislative influence over political responses to public frights is very real. Under these circumstances, We The People have a public duty to protect not only ourselves, but each other, from media driven deceptions and omissions about new infections that suddenly emerge in our communities.
The source of the dengue fever Big Island outbreak is unknown and suspicious. “The virus, spread by a bite from infected mosquitoes, is uncommon on the island of Hawaii,” reported the New York Times (Dec. 7, 2015). “County health officials said that it was PROBABLY introduced to the island by a person who contracted it in another part of the world, became infectious while in Hawaii and was bitten there by a mosquito, which spread the fever.” [Emphasis added.]
That “PROBABILITY” is certainly no more probable than infected mosquitoes arriving by way of Oxitec, an unapproved experiment, or downright “industrial sabotage,” according to big business realism.
Dr. Horowitz works as Editor-in-chief of the non-profit Medical Veritas online journal. He is a widely known vaccine critic and risk awareness activist. He is a consumer protector with expertise in diagnosing false and misleading commercial propaganda appearing in the media accompanying outbreaks and pandemics. He developed this unique knowledge and his discernment skills during his Harvard University public health training, and during a quarter century of researching, publishing, and whistle-blowing.
In this instance of dengue fever heralded on his home turf, Dr. Horowitz says “the preponderance of evidence indicates commercial bioterrorism of the most insidious kind.”
Evidence for such controversial statements by the doctor, backing his theories on the suspicious origin of the dengue fever outbreak on Hawaii Island, is compounded by the censorship he has received by groups viewing his revealing testimony prepared for Hawaii County Council (HCC) members. (Click here to view.)
According to Dr. Horowitz, and this author too, both the recorded censorship, as well as biased media coverage of the dengue fever “outbreak,” are symptoms of the underlying disorder–organized commercial crime and defrauded “sheeple” in accordance with “crisis capitalism.”
The damage from media propaganda in this case is evidenced all over the Internet. Unnecessary diseases and deaths are compounded by people’s susceptibility to deception and indoctrination. It is typically drug advertising, coupled with Internet trolls, who do the damage through dirty work. The trolls are provocateurs in the social media. They either defraud consumers on behalf of drug industrialists as paid propagandists, or alternatively they are simple-minded citizens who never realize they have been programmed by the media and its financiers to submit to poisoning in the name of “medical science” and “progress.” These two factions similarly censor Dr. Horowitz and his evidence that the highest “probability” exists that the dengue fever virus was “loosed” to profit special interests. That is how the game is played, to drive social, financial, political, industrial, and genocidal objectives.
Most people do not realize, or don’t want to realize (being steeped in denial) that there is a profitable depopulation agenda being administered through plagues and vaccinations, even according to Microsoft’s founder, Bill Gates, who lectures on his love for television and vaccines that are expected to produce a 15% drop in population. Gates, whose Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation conveys the vast majority of vaccines reaching lesser-developed nations, fails to warn people about being hypnotized by television, made unaware that vaccinations are administered for profitable depopulation under the guise of promised “protection” against infectious diseases. Gates does not explain that media-susceptibles turn into virtual “zombies,” enslaved by their own false beliefs and negative attitudes that reflect confusion, deceptions, and censorship of critically important life-saving intelligence.
The main social media (Facebook) blog claiming to be the “Hawaii Dengue Fever Awareness Group,” for example, proves this social psychopatholgy, otherwise called mass-mediated dementia. Officials in this “Awareness Group” blocked repeated attempts by this author, and other group members, to post Dr. Horowitz’s slide presentation and narration. Moderator Karen Anderson of the group censored discussion and removed the presentation, purportedly in defense of Dr. Park’s reputation. Anderson’s allied critics included Christina Anderson, Krista Johnson, Hazen Komraus and Michael Banfield. Each wrote in bad faith to character-assassinate the messenger rather than refute Dr. Horowitz’s message. Failing to either rebut the evidence, or effectively damage the messenger’s reputability, moderator Anderson simply censored the dialogue.
Anderson wrote she was offended by Dr. Horowitz’s statement that Dr. Park operates as an “ignorant, arrogant, and deadly” official. The moderator permitted, however, her pro-vaccination colleagues to smear Dr. Horowitz for having received a “warning letter” from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about a natural cure for SARS he co-formulated, omitting the fact that Dr. Horowitz, an award-winning naturopathic doctor and retired oral surgeon, prevailed after informing officials that they were overstepping their authority.
Horowitz critics omit the fact that he is the author of the best-selling book, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident, or Intentional? Alternatively, the trolls spin this honorable mention claiming he simply works to sell his books and health products through his sponsors,,, and
The doctor’s critics divert from the fact that Horowitz’s book was credited by officials in several nations for changing their vaccination policies. President Obama’s minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, credited Dr. Horowitz and Emerging Viruses for his evidence of the AIDS genocide impacting disproportionately the African-American community as well as Central African nations.
Dr. Horowitz published secret National Cancer Institute “Special Virus Cancer Program” contracts that are shocking. Many drug industrialists wish to forget that Dr. Horowitz proved Litton Bionetics, a leading biological weapons firm, developed Ebola-like viruses during the late 1960s. That is, before anyone conceived of these biological agents. Horowitz was also the first researcher in the U.S. to alert the FBI about the pending Anthrax attacks a few weeks after 9/11. Horowitz, and common sense, also proved the 2014 Liberian emergence of the 1976 strain of Ebola Zaire was impossible without a laboratory refrigerator. Since publishing these facts, the “trolls” have regularly defamed Dr. Horowitz as an enemy of Big Pharma.
This censorship expanded just before the international Ebola emergency became headline news. Wikipedia then censored Dr. Horowitz‘s biography, used since 2008 to libel him to ruin his reputation. Around the same time Google/YouTube blocked 157 of the doctor’s videos, some having been viewed by more than 1 million appreciative people. The widespread censorship compelled the doctor to establish his own media and broadcasting service on, that is regularly hacked.
Troll-administered confusion and censorship helps protect and prosper leading drug industrialists engaged in genetically-mutating insects, viruses, bacteria, animals, and humans.
The trolls, including those posting on “Hawaii Dengue Fever Awareness Group,” work to suppress vaccine risks and Monsanto’s ownership by the Pfizer drug company. The trolls divert from the fact that every vaccine contains GMOs. Talk about a commercial crime and con artistry, the trolls project their own guilt and ignorance onto heroes like Dr. Horowitz. They sell costly antibiotics and deadly vaccinations, but criticize the doctor for selling books, natural health products, and simple self-care.
What hypocrisy!
More Diversions for “Crisis Capitalism”
Contrasting Dr. Horowitz’s censorship with what is being given free press, “Dr. Lyle Petersen, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention division that covers diseases spread by mosquitoes, said one factor in the Hawaii outbreak could be that the Kona coastal area had a heavier than normal rainy season because of El Niño,” the New York Times reported. “But that is total speculation,” Dr. Petersen said discrediting his own statement. “Nobody can tell you that is the cause.”
So why bring El Niño up? To divert from more important facts?
Government officials’ “total speculation” is afforded free press and widespread circulation, but solid evidence in published reports proving official wrongdoing disfavoring devil-doing are neglected and censored by the corporate-controlled media.
“Even if more rain than average fell in parts of the Big Island this year, that would not explain HOW the dengue fever virus or infected mosquitoes GOT HERE!” Dr. Horowitz reasoned.
If you research how much rainfall Kona actually got this year compared to average, you would find that difference is negligible. So “expert” Peterson’s statement is worse than “total speculation.” It is false and misleading.
The New York Times article added, “Dr. Petersen, . . . just returned from an assignment in Hawaii as part of a C.D.C. team studying the outbreak, [and] said the measures needed to control its spread are challenging. One of the species suspected of spreading the virus, the Asian Tiger mosquito, breeds in a wide range of sites, making it impossible to eradicate. In addition, the species is active during the day, but air currents are not optimal for aerial spraying during daylight hours, on top of the danger that poses of exposing people to the pesticides.”
Curiously, the New York Times diverted to blaming an “Asian” mosquito, not the typical Aedu aegypti mosquito associated with dengue fever. That insect was originally identified in Egypt, Palestine, and North Africa; certainly not China. But at this time, it is far more politically-correct to blame an Asian mosquito as Communist China threatens Capitalist America for military and space supremacy. In our previous reports vetting concealed military connections to the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) at the top of the Big Island, we documented China’s advancing efforts to overtake America’s space and nuclear dominance, neutralizing the entire the Pacific Fleet in the process.
Shall we blame the weather for dengue fever, or ourselves for simply trusting media manipulations. Are we so naive as to trust the commercial alliance between Big Pharma, Big Biotech, and Big Media?
None of the trolls, Dr. Horowitz’s critics, or government officials, will answer the aforementioned questions, nor account for Oxitec’s links to the terror enterprise called “Isis,” funded by private equity investors in the “Oxford Group” and its “spin out companies.”
Oxitec is one such Oxford “spin out.” It was financed through Isis Innovations, and is related to Isis Technologies, Oxford technologies, and others promoting dengue fever vaccinations and its genetically mutated mosquitoes being prescribed to stay the outbreak.
In fact, the commercial association between Isis biotech and pharmaceutical companies and the ISIS terrorist group that Dr. Horowitz and this author first brought to the world’s attention has just caused Isis Pharmaceuticals to change its name after 26 years in business.
Unfortunately, changing names for corporate entities won’t change accountability for damages from bioterrorism and mass murder.
American Media, Blackstone, Evercore and Bioterrorism
The National Examiner tabloid is owned by American Media Co.

Altman bought the controlling stake in American Media in 1999 from Rupert Murdoch. Before then, he served as Vice-Chairman, and head of mergers and acquisitions for the Blackstone Group; and advised presidential candidate, Secretary of State in the Obama administration, John Kerry in 2004, and Hilary Clinton in 2008. Blackstone’s private equity business has been one of the largest investors in private-equity-leveraged buyout transactions globally. Blackstone is also corporate partner in the David Rockefeller created, Royal Family of England chartered, “Partnership for New York City (PFNYC),” exposed by Dr. Horowitz and this author for dirty dealings in the biotechnology industry, the “Militant Media,” (aka., PharmaMedia”) and diverting the World Trade center reconstruction funds to Las Vegas following the 9/11 demolitions.

In 1990, American Media purchased the leading American tabloids including STAR and The National Enquirer. As The HOROKANE reported previously, Murdoch Co-Chaired David Rockefeller’s PFNYC during the specious H1N1 pandemic, and was heavily invested in leading H1N1 vaccine makers Merck & Co. and GlaxoSmithKlein (Beecham) H1N1 vaccines.
The modern American Media was formed in 1988 following the death of New York “political powerbroker” and God-son to crime boss Frank Costello, Generoso Pope, Jr. linked to the CIA.
Consequently, what we are witnessing here in Hawaii, with the dengue fever “outbreak” perfectly timed to promote and profit from the aforementioned GM vaccines and GM mosquito investments, reflects a pattern in racketeering in Big Pharma’s organized criminal enterprise. This, now exposed, covert commercial racket will continue to repeat, killing people, so long as this intelligence continues to be censored and purposely neglected by the complicit media.
It is unreasonable to assume, as most people do, that companies making money from infectious diseases can be trusted to develop cures, or in this case, release mutant mosquitoes. At best, they deliver costly dependence on their mutations, so called “innovations.”
People blindly follow whatever costly remedies government and industry officials prescribe without questioning special interests, agency or agent bias, or even gross risks to the health and safety of We the People and our sacred environments.
Awakening to this real world of “crisis capitalism” in this Age of Bioterrorism, ISIS terrorism, and media programming of society is challenging, albeit a requirement for health, safety, peace and freedom in this increasingly controlled world wherein leading industrialists oppose overpopulation by “useless eaters,” and use this ploy to justify investments in controlling and culling civilization.
In this regard, U.S. Senator Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii recently exposed the CIA for funding and arming ISIS. That is, the ISIS terrorist group that administered the Paris Attacks on Friday-the-13th of November, 2015. That is the same ISIS terrorist organization most heavily funded by the Sheik of Qatar, principle owner of the Lagardere media group promoting Oxitec’s mosquitoes and Evercore’s investments. The evidence presented by Dr. Horowitz makes it certain that Oxitec, the mosquito manufacturer, is financed through Isis Innovations, and partnered with some of the world’s most notorious organizations, including Evercore, partnered with officials in Hachette Livre, owned by the Lagardere Group and Sheik Al Thani. It is also clear that the companies that manufacture the experimental dengue fever vaccine, Merck and Sanofi Pasteur, publicize their GM innovations through that same Hachette/Lagardere media group that finances, with the CIA, ISIS.
Can you afford to neglect these financial associations, and the many risks they pose?
Dr. Horowitz is petitioning the HCC, and members of the State legislature, to thoroughly investigate Oxitec’s science and links to the Isis enterprise. Only by securing an independent investigation into these matters can We The People, especially everyone living on the Big Island of Hawaii, be reasonably sure officials are doing all that can and should be done to protect us.
Please support Dr. Horowitz and the HCC members in advancing this required investigation, by helping to spread this information, and testifying when the issue comes before the HCC, or your local government.
Investigative Journalist Sherri Kane
If you do a Google search on Sherri Kane, you will probably notice she has been widely defamed by a seemingly large group of racists, anti-Semites, and sexist men who obviously feel their lives spent on the Internet libeling her is a profitable pastime.
Here are some political reasons why:
Sherri Kane is America’s gutsiest investigative journalist, news commentator, psycho-social analyst, and political activist, specializing in uncovering what predators do to women, children, and even animals. She exposes human and animal rights violators, child sex traffickers, and human slavery networks, several involving high ranking government officials.
Sherri does not hesitate to investigate, analyze, and vet the dark world of government and intelligence agencies’ corruption, and agents’ complicity in organized crimes. She refutes the propaganda published to manipulate and damage people, and exposes what is being concealed by the FBI/CIA’s COINTELPRO (that was supposed to have stopped abusing people and depriving human rights in 1976 by Acts of Congress). Sherri delves into conspiracy realities so dark that very few people dare to study them.
For instance, you may have heard of the political fracas involving certain members of Congress, a high ranking official in the Republican Party, and the mysterious disappearances and abuses of children at “Boys Town” in Nebraska, called “The Franklin Cover-up.” Thanks to Ms. Kane’s heroic investigative reporting, the matter has now been exposed as “The Franklin Double-coverup.”
You may recall the Gulf Oil Crisis, maybe even the extensive coverage Jesse Ventura and TruTV gave to the “Conspiracy Theory” implicating Halliburton, BP, and TransOcean in the intentional explosion and environmental devastation in the Gulf of Mexico. Ms Kane sourced the story and appears on the segment.
Sherri wrote the foreword to Dr. Horowitz’s music-industry-transforming book, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of Love, and co-produced and is co-starring in Dr. Horowitz’s controversial docu-comedy PHARMAWHORES: The SHOWTIME Sting of Penn & Teller, winner of the 2010 Accolade Award for “Uniqueness in Documentary Film-making.”
Ms. Kane is the Vice President of Medical Veritas online journal, has published works in newspapers, magazines and many websites, and has been interviewed worldwide including on Al Jazeera’s A9 Turkey, The Veritas Show, the BBC’s Talk Radio Europe, Late Night In The Midlands, WAC Connecticut, LA Talk Radio, and many others. She co-hosts the Hollywood Spin series of film reviews with Dr. Horowitz viewed on and Vimeo’s Revolution Television Channel. Ms. Kane also co-hosted The HOROKANE Hour on LNM Radio Network with Dr. Horowitz, and co-wrote Space Pearl Harbor, reviewed in the 39-minute news program seen HERE.
Sherri is currently collaborating with Dr. Horowitz on various projects including Healthy World Organization (HWO), the alternative to the corrupt World Health Organization (WHO),, and advancing the power of “528 Hz” frequency for global healing, as experienced at,, and
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