A True Ott : Plagiarist and Extortionist
A. True Ott Exposed for Plagiarism: Researcher Exposes “Dr. True” Celebrating “528Hz” Frequency Healing Energy in 2008; but Extortionist Now Desecrates “Perfect Circle of Sound” to Disparage the “Key of LOVE!”
Honolulu, HI–In a world in dire need of solutions to complex problems, the “PERFECT CIRCLE OF SOUND™”, trademarked by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, reflects a revolutionary understanding of the importance of nine (9) acoustic frequencies fundamental to nature, creation, and creationism; and it is under attack by agents of suppression and psychopathic malice.
Dr. Horowitz began revolutionizing the natural healing and music industries with knowledge of 528Hz frequency in 2007 with his publication of LOVE: The Read da Vinci CODE, that evidenced LOVE–”The Universal Healer”–as the “good vibration”at the heart of the electromagnetic color spectrum, and theoretically the sound spectrum as well.
Then, in an organized criminal conspiracy to discredit Horowitz and his latest book, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE, a faker named “Dr. ‘True’ Ott,” really ALMA C. OTT, worked with his well-organized group of white supremacy “cause stalkers” to libel and extort Horowitz to have him submit to their anti-Catholic and anti-Jewish racist rants.
Ott attacked Horowitz, apparently on behalf of the Justice Department’s FBI, and for commercial advantage too, because Ott’s Mother Earth Minerals company directly competed with Horowitz’s far more successful HealthyWorldStore.com.
Among many grotesque publications A. True Ott issued in lame attempts to discredit Horowitz, the desecration of the “Perfect Circle of Sound” is perhaps the most telling of his demonic psychopathology and hateful criminality.
In July, 2011, along with repeated condemnations and anti-Semitic slurs of Horowitz and his work, A. True Ott’s gang increasingly attacked the “528LOVERevolution.”
They conspired with Horowitz’s ex-wife, Jacqueline G. Lindenbach, owner of another competing company, Healthy World Celebrations, LLC, to libel and extort Horowitz and his partner, Sherri Kane, for commercial advantage.
A. True Ott’s team co-produced with Lindenbach and co-conspirator, Roxanne Joan Hampton, a libelous “blackmail video” that the libelers claimed was Kane’s effort to blackmail Horowitz.
A. True Ott’s team also claimed “528” was a con, concocted by Horowitz for monetary reward, and Lindenbach defended Ott-n-company against Horowitz’s pleas and protests.
But this A. True Ott-and-company agenda backfired when journalist Kane unearthed documents proving A. True Ott heavily favored “528” in 2008 when he embellished a plagiarized paper on the frequency energy administered by Rife technology to impact DNA for miraculous healing.

Jealousy of Dr. Horowitz’s trademarks on the “Perfect Circle of Sound,” featuring “528” at its heart, cannot justify A. True Ott-n-company’s felonies, nor hate crime of defacing, and then widely publishing on the Internet, this object of their disaffection–this practical and meaningful art that might terminate humanity’s reliance on pharmaceuticals and vaccinations.
The motive is, most probably, a natural healing industry-suppressing COINTELPRO operation servicing BigPharma’s sustainability against the emergence of revolutionary natural healing technologies based on Horowitz’s “LOVE/528–Real da Vinci CODE.”
Horowitz presents an awesome opportunity to free humanity from the Pharmaceutical Cartel’s imposed “Drug Cult.” Certainly, the musical-mathematics of creationism and natural healing is intelligence that counter-intelligence does not wish you to have.
Consistent with this motive for criminal complicity in extortion, libel, and anti-trust crimes, here is more indicting evidence against “True” Ott-n-company.
On January 4, 2012, Sherri Kane discovered the fake “doctor” “True” had plagiarized the pioneering work of Charlene Boehm, an expert in electro-genetic healing using acoustic vibrations. Boehm’s copyrighted article contained information so impressive to Ott that he helped himself to stealing it, and republishing sections of it verbatim in an article he claimed to copyright.

Kane noted, however, that Ott also stole the concept of “9 Core Creative Frequencies” advanced by Horowitz, including 528 as the 3rd note in the ancient Solfeggio musical scale.
Instead of acknowledging Horowitz’s contribution, Ott claimed discovery of what he titled, “9 Prime Frequencies to Empower Water,” with the third one, naturally, being 528Hz.
Boehm had many years of experience with natural healing using electromagnetic technologies, including Rife frequency generators (discouraged by the FDA).
In August of 1999, Boehm released a paper containing her theory of DNA strand length as it relates to vibrational frequencies, primarily intended for natural therapy applications to protect people against infectious diseases.
CLICK HERE TO read her US 7280874 patent.
Here is materially-evidenced proof that A. True Ott had taken Boehm’s copyrighted 1999 paper, titled: “A Look at the Frequencies of Rife-related Plasma Emission Devices,” and fraudulently republished it under his name and title: “HARMONIC RESONANCE.”
(See plagiarized paper by A. True Ott: HERE for the pdf download of the plagiarized paper to compare with Boehm’s paper. Both begin: “This is a story of an exploration with numbers. The origin of the MORs (Mortal Oscillatory Rates of bacteria and viruses), originally discovered by Royal Rife during the first half of the twentieth century, has perplexed many people since that time.”
Boehm’s intellectual property dealing with this DNA-related frequency research can be found at Boehm’s website http://www.dnafrequencies.com/1999.shtml

A. True Ott used the same typeface as Boehm’s original paper, changed the margins, and put a notice at the beginning which says “Proprietary and Confidential.
All rights reserved, October, 1998.” This was A. True Ott’s criminal attempt to pre-date Boehm’s original publication date.
Unfortunately for A. True Ott, the properties of his pdf shows that it was created from a word document in 2008.
Near the end of Boehm’s paper (starting on page 24), A. True Ott replaced Boehm’s concluding remarks by adding material that was not from Boehm’s original article, but from Dr. Horowitz’s research on the Solfeggio frequencies, including 528Hz.
Slam dunking A. True Ott as a hypocrite and a fraud, in the summer of 2011 A. True Ott and his organized crime gang began heavily condemning Horowitz and 528.
This sudden distaste for 528, and related Horowitz-libel, lent A. True Ott’s support to Lindenbach’s hostile takeover of Horowitz’s companies in July and August, that year.
(SEE: FAME SEEKERS for the complete story.)
And this commercial conspiracy also occurred while A. True Ott et al, promoted an infamous Lindenbach-Hampton-A. True Ott “secret blackmail video” that libeled Horowitz and Kane with false light (invasion of privacy and public disclosure of private facts), and a so-called (manufactured) “sex tape.” (See: FBI COMPLAINT for IDENTITY THEFT w- EXHIBITS.pdf.)
Hypocritically, on page 25 of his plagiarized paper, A. True Ott lists “9 prime frequencies to fully empower the water molecule,” the third being 528Hz.
Above this, on page 24, A.True Ott’s cites the Merck Company’s Index data with a compilation of acoustic frequencies of major mineral nutrients applicable to A. True Ott’s Mother Earth Mineral product line, sold without giving Boehm or Horowitz any credit or compensation for sales supposedly manufactured using this “proprietary” technolgy.
The theft of Boehm’s and Horowitz’s intellectual properties, plus organized extortion and libel campaign done by A. True Ott for commercial advantage, is now materially evidenced and in the hands of law enforcement officials.
In 2007, A. True Ott joined another member of his gang of “cause stalkers,” operating as though they are part of the FBI’s COINTELPRO, Greg Szymanski. True Ott and Greg Szymanski appear to have been on assignment to libel and extort Dr. Horowitz’s submission to their hate crime mentality and “divide and conquer” strategy.
Greg Szymanski, supposedly an attorney (“J.D.”), supposedly working from Canada, but supposedly living in the U.S. with no contact address available to his ArcticBeacon.com readers or radio show listeners, conspired with A. True Ott to libel and extort Horowitz.
Their agenda presented Eric Jon Phelps’s (and Craig Oxley’s of Iconoclast Radio) “Bible Believer” theology that pinned Protestants and Muslims against Catholics and Jews.
The Vatican, they continue to claim, is supposedly controlled by the Zionist elite, and their Jewish/Catholic hate crime prompting propaganda incites divisions between We The People of every race, color, and religion, and promotes hate crimes and terrorism.
Giving them the benefit of doubt, they really believe that Jesus was a blonde-haired, blue eyed, non-Hebrew Khazar, as though that really makes any difference in the realm of LOVE, the world of hate and hypocrisy, or the Prince of Peace’s mission.
“Greg Szymanski J.D.”, working under alias “Eric Samuelson, J.D.” (same number of letters in each) partnered with A.True Ott to libel and extort Horowitz using the Internet.
They fabricated a story about Horowitz’s supposed involvement in a claimed FDA bust of A. True Ott’s lab, then forged a fake “Knights of Malta” list as their evidence. Many so called “Christians” and “Patriots” bought into this scam as their libel spread across the Internet courtesy of David Icke and Alex Jones.
Below is a copy of the forged “Knights of Malta” list evidencing libel and extortion.
Horowitz’s name appears directly beneath J. Edgar Hoover’s name.
Ironically, according to public knowledge and a growing body of reputable evidence, Hoover was a cross-dressing pedophile directing organized crime and child-sex trafficking on behalf of political big-wigs. A. True Ott and Greg Szymanski reported to their COINTELPRO superior, J. Edgar Hoover’s California FBI Division 5 counterpart, Ted Gunderson. (A thorough review of the evidence linking A. True Ott to Ted Gunderson and organized crime involving child-sex trafficking, pedophila, and child pornography, has been thoroughly compiled by Sherri Kane and veteran investigator in this field, Barbara Hartwell. Hartwell previously worked with Gunderson on CIA assignments.)

According to Hawaii Revised Statute §708-839.6, what A. True Ott and Szymanski did should put them in jail. It is called libel, extortion, and “Identity theft in the first degree. “
(1) A person commits the offense of identity theft in the first degree if that person makes or causes to be made, either directly or indirectly, a transmission of any personal information of another by any oral statement, any written statement, or any statement conveyed by any electronic means, with the intent to:

(a) Facilitate the commission of a murder in any degree, a class A felony, kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment in any degree, extortion in any degree, any offense under chapter 134, criminal property damage in the first or second degree, escape in any degree, any offense under part VI of chapter 710, any offense under section 711-1103, or any offense under chapter 842; or [Emphasis added.]
(b) Commit the offense of theft in the first degree from the person whose personal information is used, or from any other person or entity.
(2) Identity theft in the first degree is a class A felony. [L 2002, c 224, pt of §1]
HRS §707-764 Extortion, states: “A person commits extortion if the person does any of the following:
(1) Obtains, or exerts control over, the property [e.g., the “blackmail video” and Kane’s memorabilia, Horowitz’s companies, inventories and trademarks], labor [e.g., Horowitz and Kane’s work as journalists and Horowitz labor in public health], or services [e.g., Horowitz’s and Kane’s humanitarian services and consumer advocacy in natural medicine and disease prevention] of another with intent to deprive another of property, labor, or services by threatening by word or conduct to:
(c) Subject the person threatened or any other person to . . . restraint [of trade];
(f) Expose a secret or publicize an asserted fact, whether true or false, tending to subject some person to hatred, contempt, or ridicule, or to impair the threatened person’s credit or business repute [e.g., the “blackmail video” and assorted libel and false light];
(g) Reveal any information sought to be concealed by the person threatened or any other person [e.g., the Hampton/Lindenbach/A. True Ott “blackmail video”];
[(k)] (l) Do any other act that would not in itself substantially benefit the defendant but [which] that is calculated to harm substantially some person with respect to the threatened person’s health, safety, business, calling, career, financial condition, reputation, or personal relationships;
- (2) Intentionally compels or induces another person to engage in conduct from which another has a legal right to abstain or to abstain from conduct in which another has a legal right to engage by threatening by word or conduct to do any of the actions set forth in paragraph (1)(a) through [(k);] (l); or . . . [e.g., the engagement in defense and damage mitigation rather than Horowitz and Kane’s right to civil rights and commercial freedoms. Emphasis added.]
A. True Ott’s and Greg Szymanski’s identity theft of Dr. Horowitz’s name, coupled with A. True Ott’s complicity in organized crime with Dr. Horowitz’s X-wife, Jacqueline G. Lindenbach, to gain commercial advantage for his Mother Earth Minerals, Inc., and her company, Healthy World Celebrations, LLC–competing companies in the natural healing industry, evidences “unfair trade”–a Sherman Act violation–and is felonious under State and Federal laws.
A. True Ott, Greg Szymanski, Jacqueline Lindenbach and company may be criminally indicted for harming Horowitz’s reputation, especially in the Christian, American Patriot, and “New Age” communities, considered “markets” in commercial trade.
Additional evidence filed with the police, as well as the FBI, is available by downloading this file: FBI COMPLAINT for IDENTIY THEFT w- EXHIBITS.pdf.
On March 2, 2012, at 4:30PM Hawaii Standard Time, Horowitz filed the aforementioned Complaint with the FBI in Honolulu. The prima facie evidence materially exhibited compels any reasonable and legitimate law enforcer or prosecutor to pursue indictments of A. True Ott aka Alma C. Ott, Roxanne Joan (RJ) Hampton, Jacqueline Lindenbach and others complicit in the felonies cited.
Given this overwhelming material evidence of extortion, libel, and commercial felonies, FAILURE to act reasonably and lawfully by the FBI in this matter implicates the Bureau’s complicity or recklessness in the political persecution of journalists Horowitz and Kane, as per the FBI’s COINTELPRO.
For this reason, readers, activists, and members of the media are encouraged to monitor this case and relay this story, and forthcoming news about the FBI’s response (i.e., action or neglect), to all available news outlets in service to justice and Freedom of the Press.
– end –
Plagiarizing dis-info specialist.
Fake name, Fake “PhD;” and Fake “ND” degree.
Works in Internet “cause stalking” gang to target actiivists and natural healers.
Ties to Gunderson, the FBI, child-sex trafficking, hate crimes, and neo-Nazi cult.