October Surprise 2016 Part 4: Israeli Intelligence
The Mossad and Secret Israeli Intelligence
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
Sherri Kane
(Honolulu, HI; October 14, 2016)–The battering of America and its political parties this year can best be explained by Israel’s brief but powerful history. Intelligence for this conclusion comes from the scholarly book by Loftus and Aarons, The Secret War Against The Jews (St. Martins Press, 1996).
It is a historic fact that the nation of Israel and its intelligence agency was created by blackmail in defense against Jewish hate and Rockefeller, IBM, and Ford-Nazi war crimes. Israeli intelligence used these facts to blackmail the powerful Rockefeller brothers at the time of the Nuremberg trials and United Nations vote on the creation of the Jewish state.
Predictably, in recent days, as America has plunged into political choas through media misrepresentations and omissions, so too has Israel suffered the same concerning the Temple Mount/Al-Haram al-Sharif, fueling further damage throughout the religious world.
Subsequently, Snowden’s leaked intelligence similarly neglected the fact that following the creation of Israel, “virtually every Jewish citizen, organization, and charity in the world has been the victim of electronic surveillance by Great Britain, with the knowing and willing assistance of the intelligence services of the United States.” Id.
Investigative journalist Sherman Skulnick simply explained, “[T]he world is divided between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. At the annual super-secret Bilderberg Group meetings, each year in a different country, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, although age-old competitors and ‘enemies,’ sit together. Business is business.”
On behalf of such “business” in the world of espionage, interwoven with the Rockefellers power over much of the world’s intelligence, Rahm Emanuel,” past Obama Administration Chief of Staff, current mayor of Chicago, and brother of Ari Emmanuel (owner of the William Morris Endeavor Agency), previously Donald Trump’s talent management and booking company, helped propel Bill Clinton into high office. We covered this in a video production titled The Paris Attacks, and in an earlier series of articles.
Returning to Loftus and Aarons’ analysis, “Under the US Constitution, giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war is treason.” On September 22, 1947, Federal Judge Charles Clark held in a civil case: “Standard Oil can be considered an enemy national in view of its relationship with I.G. Farben after the United States and Germany became active enemies.”
That date is significant. Two months later, just as Nelson Rockefeller was hoping that the damage could be limited to a few corporate scapegoats,” Israeli intelligence agent David Ben Gurion “arrived in his office with proof that [Rockefeller] personally had committed treason against the United States of America.” (Loftus and Aarons 165-71).
History is repeating now. The contrived leaks and shocking political drama unfolding on everyone’s TVs is the “corporate scapegoats” sabre rattling war with Russia at the time of this writing. Yesterday’s Rockefeller is today’s Bush. We are like Ben Gurion, delivering the embarrassing intelligence and praying it will produce peace on earth–the prophesied Holy Land where the “lion lays down with the lamb.”
Beyond this metaphor, David Rockefeller and George H.W. Bush share more than their common birthday. Trump’s main beef has been the damaged American economy and jobs going overseas. President Obama’s controversial Obamatrade legislation has been regarded by opponents as an attack against U.S. sovereignty in favor of international authorities. And it is precisely that “international authority” that The Company exclusively represents, largely by Bush’s still powerful influence over America, and The Octopus’s influenced worldwide.
Now anyone with a pea brain of intelligence without bias can understand why Bush would endorse Hillary, and not Trump, how Trump rose to power through the Carlyle-controlled DNC, and why Trump–William Morris Endeavor Agency “talent”–acts for The Octopus, as does Putin.
Further parallels to World War II are obvious. Loftus and Aarons interviewed many of The Company’s agents and informants to reveal that Israel’s David Ben Gurion blackmailed Nelson Rockefeller using embarrassing documents proving in 1936 that the Rockefellers’ agents entered into a partnership with the Dulles brothers’ Nazi front–the Shroder Bank of New York, which “was the key institution in the [rise of the National Socialist Party of Germany and the] Fascist economic ‘miracle’ birthing Hitler.
From the facts aforementioned today’s contrived “Nazi front” tied to JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, et. al. giving rise to World War III and the demise of America as we know her, is Wikileaks–The Octopus’s mouthpiece. To wit, if the CIA actually wanted to “get” Assange or Snowden for criminal espionage, it is unreasonable to presume incapacity, given all the murders and cover-ups in Clinton closets.
“In 1939, the Rockefeller-controlled Chase National Bank secured $25 million for Nazi Germany and supplied Berlin with information on ten thousand Nazi sympathizers in the US.” Id.
This directly parallels: (1) Ott & Company’s and complicit party Alex Jones’s collection of anti-Semitic, anti-government “patriots;” and (2) the Russian mob “king pin,” Grigory Loutchansky, and complicit Ukrainian mob boss Vadim Rabinovich–the major Russian media-mogul swaying Russian-American-Israeli opinions using the oldest Russian pro Israel, pro Clinton, propaganda mill in U.S.
“Except for a few months’ interruption,” Aarons and Loftus continued, “the Rockefeller-owned Standard of New Jersey company shipped oil to the Nazis through Spain all throughout the war.” Id. It is sure to be likewise with the Carlyle Groups diversified companies, such as Halliburton and Rudy Giuliani’s Bio ONE.
Former CIA director Allen Dulles was “one of the worst traitors in American history,” according to The Secret War‘s sources, “because of his involvement in the linkage among Nazi corporations, U.S. oil interests and Saudi Arabia in the 1930s,” quoting a review in Publisher’s Weekly.
Can’t the same be later claimed against Secretary of State Hillary Clinton?
“The major powers,” Loftus and Aaron’s disclosed, “have repeatedly taken covert action designed to bring about the destruction of Israel, as much out of greed for oil as anti-Semitism. . . . Allied leaders conspired to block the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 for fear its presence would threaten the flow of Arab oil to the West. Great Britain and the United States, while pretending to support Israel during the Six-Day War, passed Israeli military secrets to their Arab foes. The Reagan administration tried to set up Israel as the principal scapegoat for the Iran-Contra scandal.” Id.
Can’t the same be said today for the destruction of Israel and the West in favor of the New World Order?
Today, Bill Clinton’s sex-capades feature Trump, the despicable Jew Epstein, the Mossad, and Israeli as, again, the “scapegoats” with now WikiLeaks and Anonymous claiming Israel is withholding a blackmail video that could be used to strong-arm “President Hillary Clinton” to do whatever to defend Israel.
The Octapus is controlling history that is repeating. The media diversions and spin tactics published by the Huffington Post, The Guardian, the Independent, et. al, herald the scapegoats.
The Octopus Controls History, the Economy, and Your Mentality
The New Yorker did an interesting piece on “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery”, curiously stating his rumored agency for David Rockefeller. Rockefeller denied the claim despite daily briefings between Epstein and his JPMorgan-Chase private equity banker to strategize investments for some of the world’s wealthiest clients.
The New Yorker glossed over Bill Clinton’s association with Epstein, publishing, “While Epstein got an intellectual kick out of engaging African finance ministers in theoretical chitchat about economic development, the real payoff for him was observing Clinton in his métier: talking HIV/aids policy with African leaders and soaking up the love from Cape Town to Lagos.”
That “love” according to several news sources, featured sex with underage or non-consenting victims.
It was Ghislaine Maxwell who news sources have charged with acquiring young girls to be raped by Epstein’s invitees. The events were purportedly videotaped for blackmail by Epstein for Les Wexner and the Mossad. It was, in effect, “pimp Ghislaine” who witnessed her father’s media empire devoured after his unsolved murder. Curiously, the conglomerate’s debts were paid thereafter by Shearson Lehman, Goldman Sachs, and the British government.
To say that criminal charges against these agents and corporate entities for treason is most reasonable. They have damaged the electoral process, voters minds, free will, human rights, and the role of the “free press” in the “free world.”
All of this brings new insight into the American election scandal spiraling into the pits of hell.
Beyond these facts, the deafening mass media silence on the aforementioned associations, and what the Carlyle Group companies have caused, corroborates evidence of a lethal multi-national media conspiracy, coverup, and propaganda war–a “smoking gun” that has effectively stewarded civilization to the brink of World War III at the time of this writing.
Criminal charges against these agents and corporate entities for treason is most reasonable. They have damaged the electoral process, voters minds, free will, human rights, and the role of the “free press” in the “free world.”
Similar sentiments have surfaced from Wikileaks, Russian Intelligence, and Anonymous inferring ties to the U.S. National Security Agency, and Ott/Faal the unstable CIA/FBI Internet propagandist commissioned to spread racial hate and anti-Semitism in America to affect the election and violence in the streets.
These mind-numbing facts, provide clear and convincing evidence of a global population control program administered by what appears to be a racketeering enterprise monetizing media manipulation, terrorism, violent aggression, and imposed war, similar to what James Bond 007 (MI-6 and GCHQ) films have called “The Octopus.”
Concluding Remarks About the Mossad and the Alleged Bill Clinton Rape Video
Late last week, Anonymous released a video largely prompting this four part series of breaking news. A copy of that video and transcript of its narration is available HERE.
Fox News, like New York Magazine, corroborated Epstein’s association with Clinton, heralding “Billionaire sex offender Epstein once claimed he co-founded Clinton Foundation.”
Neither news sources, however, mentioned any video evidence of the alleged rape, nor any association with the Mossad, nor even Epstein’s “Clothing Store Network.” But these are highly probable facts evidenced by:
(1) Leslie Wexner’s control over The Limited clothing enterprise and Epstein’s friendship with Ghislaine Maxwell’s;
(2) Shortly before Maxwell’s mysterious death, a former employee of Israel‘s Military Intelligence Directorate intelligence agency Ari Ben-Menashe, had approached a number of news organizations in Britain and the United States with the allegation that Maxwell and the Daily Mirror‘s foreign editor, Nicholas Davies, were both long-time agents for Mossad;
(3) President George W. Bush appointed Wexner to serve on the Honorary Delegation to accompany him to Jerusalem for the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel in May 2008;
(4) the pattern of privacy violations by Maxwell’s Trinity Mirror group as well as Ruppert and James Murdochs hackers is widely known; and
(5) the admitted wire-tapping and hacking of U.S. political officials by the FBI beginning with the COINTELPRO, and the Bureau’s defiance of its duty to indict Hillary Clinton for treason using evidence supplied by WikiLeaks (aside from the FBI’s well recorded evidence tampering in the Vince Foster murder investigation).
So with the Mossad connections confirmed, and the high probability of hacking, secret recording and videotaping alleged, and since such mischief is regularly practiced by blackmailers among these suspects,(6) everyone will simply need to await further word on this front.
More knowledge of Hillary Clinton’s alleged complicity in concealing the Bill Clinton sex video may, however, be averted by the Secretary of State and Obama Administrations demand for World War.
-End –
To read October Surprise Part 1, CLICK HERE.
To read October Surprise Part 2, “The Unwinding”, CLICK HERE
To read October Surprise Part 3, “Neglected History”, CLICK HERE
To read October Surprise Part 4, “Israeli Intelligence”, CLICK HERE
(1) “Crisis capitalism” involves the criminal activity of deceptive trade involving the manufacture of products in anticipation of problems plotted and caused by the same enterprise to gain unjust enrichment marketing solutions using ‘Johnny-on-the-spot’ products or services.
Lou Gerstner, former chairman and CEO of IBM and Nabisco, was appointed chairman of Carlyle in January 2003, replacing Frank Carlucci. Gerstner would serve in that position through October 2008.[26][27] The hiring of Gerstner, was intended to reduce the perception of Carlyle as a politically dominated firm.[28] At the time, Carlyle, which had been founded 15 years earlier had accumulated $13.9 billion of assets under management and had generated annualized returns for investors of 36%.
(2) In August 2012, the Department of Justice approved Verizon’s purchase of Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) spectrum from a consortium of cable companies, including Comcast, Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks, for $3.9 billion.[72] Verizon began expanding its LTE network utilizing these extra airwaves in October 2013.
On June 5, 2013, The Guardian reported it had obtained an order by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and approved by the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that required Verizon to provide the NSA with telephone metadata for all calls originating in the U.S.[74][75] Verizon Wireless was not part of the NSA data collection for wireless accounts due to foreign ownership issues.[76] (see also MAINWAY article)
(3) Democratic U.S. Senator from Hawaii, Daniel Inouye, was also involved in the Iran-Contra investigations of the 1980s, chairing a special committee (Senate Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Nicaraguan Opposition) from 1987 until 1989. During the hearings, Inouye referred to the operations that had been revealed as a “secret government” saying:
[There exists] a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.[19]
— Daniel Inouye
Criticizing the logic of Marine Lt. Colonel Oliver North‘s justifications for his actions in the affair, Inouye made reference to the Nuremberg trials, provoking a heated interruption from North’s attorney Brendan V. Sullivan, Jr., an exchange that was widely repeated in the media at the time. He was also seen as a pro-Taiwan senator, and helped in forming the Taiwan Relations Act.
In 2009, Inouye assumed leadership of the powerful Senate Committee on Appropriations, after chairing the U.S. SENATE, SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE, AND SUBCOMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF THE COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RESOURCES, investigating and spinning for public consumption “PROJECT MKULTRA, THE CIA’S PROGRAM OF RESEARCH IN BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION” developing both drug and media mind control methods and materials, and testing them on unwitting Americans. The MKULTRA program was falsely claimed by Inouye and other government officials to have ende
(4) The anti-Semitic cyber-bullying included a manufactured “sex tape” and one widely circulated “revenge pornography” felony film spun from a stolen videotape owned by Kane. These authors have sued and the case is pending currently in the U.S. District Court in Honolulu, with the cell leader, Alma C. Ott, in default, with an $8million pending judgment, currently stayed administratively by Judge J. Michael Seabright. In one case in State, attorney Paul J. Sulla, Jr. is alleged to have stolen Dr. Horowitz’s estate property on the Big Island of Hawaii using a set of forged documents. These authors’ investigation of Mr. Sulla, who filed for Alma C. Ott to be his expert witness against these authors, has three “definitive connections to the CIA,” and illegally operates a drug manufacturing enterprise called an “Ayahuasca Church” on the Hamakua Coast north of Hilo. To the time of this writing, Sulla’s criminal operation is known to, and has been neglected by, State and federal law enforcers. In State, the Attorney General has turned a blind eye. At the FBI two agents assigned to independently investigation filed reports urging indictments against Sulla that senior officials blocked. Much of this developing story has been published on JudicialCorrputionNews.com.
(5) Barbara Hartwell’s friendship and work assignments with Gunderson caused the FBI/CIA contractor, Gunderson, to invite Hartwell to his wedding to , Diana Rively–the heiress of the literal “Church of Satan” following the death of Anton LaVey, the author of The Satanic Bible. Harwell declined the invitation, but retained Gunderson’s personal invitation issued on his FBI letterhead.
(6) See, for instance: Ott-is-David-Booth-is-Sorcha-Faal-All-COINTELPRO; or David-Booth-is-Ott-the-Neo-Nazi-Propagandist or Sorcha-Faal-Fabricates-Stories-Out-of-Thin-Air; or Ott-Spins-Sorcha-Faal-for-Anti-Semitic-Propaganda; or Ott-brother-in-law-police-lt-jody-edwards-says-ott-has-something-wrong-with-him-and-is-a-use-caution-risk)
According to evidence compiled by Kane, and confirmed by Hartwell and several other Gunderson victims, Gunderson and “The Company” presented a dead-end to many mothers and families of kidnapping victims. Grieving and frightened parents were solicited by Gunderson and his agents in the field to believe that justice was being served with a call to Gunderson whenever children went missing.

Gunderson, of course, denied his relationship with Aquino, along with his marriage to LaVey’s ex-wife up to his death in 2011. But the hand written note from Gunderson to Hartwell, mailed while the two toured on behalf of the CIA, proved the satanic church association. Gunderson and Aquino are shown being interviewed by Geraldo, playing “good-cop/bad-cop,” HERE.
(7) Sorcha Faal’s escapades are adequately addressed on sorcha-faal-rationalwiki.
(8) Anonymous reported the following on October 12, 2016:
“In 1982, Wexner recruited Jeffrey Epstein into the Clothing Shop Network by providing him with an estimated $1B to establish a private financial firm named J. Epstein and Co. And that Wexner remains the firm’s biggest and the only publicly known client. The true purpose of J. Epstein and Co. was to allow Jeffrey Epstein to operate within the society circles of America’s political elites. And once ensnaring his victims he allowed them to fulfill their most deviant sexual fantasies while at the same time secretly video recording them for the purpose of blackmail.
Epstein’s blackmail victims included many members of America’s and Britain’s elite, but with his biggest catch being former President Bill Clinton; who was revealed by recently released flight logs revealed to have flown on Epstein’s private jet named the Lolita Express to the secluded sex toy land, Carribbean island run by Epstein 26 times while ditching his Secret Service protectors. And his failing to notice that this (inaudible) set was wired with hidden cameras secretly recording his orgies with underage girls. With Bill Clinton’s having had sex with young girls and Hillary Clinton being advised by the Clothing Shop Network that they had the secretly recorded videos proving it. She then masterminded a plot to set up Donald Trump as a strawman to be her opponent, and as e-mails proved, and was aided in this effort by America’s mainstream media who provided, gave to the New York City billionaire builder an estimated $3B in free media advertising so that he could become the Republican Party candidate for president.
The Hillary Clinton e-mail proving this plot shows her and her accomplices conspiring to set up Donald Trump as their “pied piper” candidate, with some of them suggesting that Senator Ted Cruz or Dr. Ben Carson could likewise be set up too.”
No one has ever seen or evidenced Donald Trump being involved in sex crimes, although the Clinton camp has spared no effort to paint Trump as a sexual predator.”
Meanwhile, both are certified crime families. Investment banker Marc Mezvinsky curiously married Hillary’s daughter Chelsea. Meanwhile, Trump’s daughter Ivanka married real estate mogul Jared Corey Kushner. Both Chelsea and Ivanka share more than a lasting friendship. Their fathers-in-law, Edward Mezvinsky and Charles Kushner both went to jail, certifying the crime families’ intermarriage. In 2001, Edward was convicted of 31 charges of felony fraud, and served five years in federal prison. In 2005, Charles was convicted in federal court for making illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering.
The media frenzy has entranced voters, or otherwise diverted apathetic abstainers. Chemically-intoxicated consumers couldn’t care less what investigators have revealed in recent weeks, or whether they die tomorrow in WWIII.
(9) Curiously, according to Wikipedia (that serves Jimmy Wales as a mouthpiece for the Carlyle/NSA/CIA racketeering enterprise, with vested interests in destabilizing targets for money and power, as the antithesis to Anonymous and Wikileaks that acts to destabilize political parties and elections as Julian Assange‘s purported intended “endgame” of “organizational stupor” for peace activism), Alexander Lebedev has criticized the oligarchs, saying “I think material wealth for them is a highly emotional and spiritual thing. They spend a lot of money on their own personal consumption.” Lebedev has also described them as a bunch of uncultured ignoramuses, saying “They don’t read books. They don’t have time. They don’t go to [art] exhibitions. They think the only way to impress anyone is to buy a yacht.” He also notes that the oligarchs have no interest in social injustice.”
(10) Mr. Zuckerman has been a candidate for US Ambassador to Israel. He is also a leading financier of the American Lyme Disease Foundation that heavily promoted SmithKline company’s disastrous Lymerix vaccine. This vaccine was pulled from the market following hundreds-of-thousands of reported cases of recipients suffering post-vaccination symptoms of Lyme disease.
To read October Surprise Part 1, CLICK HERE.
To read October Surprise Part 2, “The Unwinding”, CLICK HERE
To read October Surprise Part 3, “Neglected History”, CLICK HERE
To read October Surprise Part 4, “Israeli Intelligence”, CLICK HERE
Dr. Leonard Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., D.N.M. (hon.), D.M.M. (hon.), is the author of seventeen books including the prophetically titled Death In The Air: Globalism,Terrorism and Toxic Warfare, that came out three months before 9-11-01, that deals with this topic of energy weapons. His three American best-sellers include: Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional? that was largely responsible for prompting explosive interest in vaccination risks and biological warfare; Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, that revealed the ancient Solfeggio musical scale secreted for millennia; and Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine and Modern Science in which Dr. Horowitz presents his protocol for administering prevention and natural speedy recoveries. His most recent text, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE, has prompted a revolution in the music industry improving recording artistry and music therapy with the use of C=528Hz(A=444Hz) tuning that produces “medicinal music.” Dr. Horowitz is currently advancing Healthy World Organization (HWO) as an alternative to the duplicitous World Health Organization (WHO).
Sherri Kane is an investigative journalist who defected from FOX News, Los Angeles, for ethical reasons. She has written extensively on Barack Obama’s history, counter-intelligence methods used by Internet “gang stalkers,” and the “PharmaMedia,” detailing links between the wealthiest Wall Street investors in mass media and the pharmaceutical industry. Sherri also specializes in women’s and children’s health issues and child sex trafficking whistleblowing. She also advocates for animal rights. Ms. Kane is the Vice President of Medical Veritas International, Inc., that launched with Dr. Horowitz the LOVE/528 Revolution, 528Records.com, and the 528Radio Network impacting recording artistry and natural healing internationally. Online DVDs featuring Dr. Horowitz and Ms. Kane include: NSA/CIA Trolls Destroy Heroes to Profit Villains: Snowden/Wikileaks Evidence Protection Racket for the Death Industry.
Dr. Horowitz’s and Sherri Kane’s latest documentary: UN-VAXXED: A Docu-commentary for Robert De Niro won five international awards, including “Best Film – 2016” in London and Geneva competitions.
To contact Sherri Kane, or Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, please e-mail: editor@medicalveritas.org with your special requests.
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