Colin McRoberts – PharmaTroll Cell Leader for Genocide
Pfizer-JPMorgan Chase “Negotiator” Kenneth Colin McRoberts Conceals His Business to Advance Mandatory Vaccinations and Genocide
Sherri Kane and Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
Will the real Kenneth “Colin” McRoberts please identify himself?
Kenneth “Colin” McRoberts describes himself on Twitter as a “Lawyer, aspiring author, and consultant in the field of negotiation and communication.” He characterized himself publicly on a 7-day cruise of the Mexican Riviera as simply an author writing a book about conspiracies. What he purposely omitted and neglected to disclose was his “day job” as a spy and propagandist–a “negotiator”– for Big Pharma, Big Biotech, and Big Banking.
McRoberts is a graduate of Harvard Law School, and a consultant and trainer with The SAB Group. A commercial litigator by training, he claims his area of expertise is “negotiations.”
But the facts tell a different story. By “negotiations,” the unscrupulous lawyer means deceptions. He acted as the senior adviser directing a cell of pro-vaccine propagandists blogging for passage of California bill SB277, the controversial mandatory vaccination bill vacating philosophical exemptions to forced intoxications. We call such bloggers “PharmaTrolls.” McRoberts’ cell published to combat enemies of the vaccination industry. Their success, coupled with political payoffs called “campaign contributions,” voided previously legislated religious and philosophical exemptions to the risky, sometimes deadly, medical (mal)practice.
Kenneth “Colin” McRoberts is a paid professional propagandist and native Texan who studied Russian in St. Petersburg, Russia, before settling in Chicago and taking on assignments for the SAB Group, including pharmaceutical companies Pfizer; Sanofi-Aventis; Allergan, and Forest Labs.
As reported by ABC News, while in St. Petersburg, Colin McRoberts contributed to an “intelligence report” filed by Peter Zeihan, who covers Russian issues for Strategic Forecasting, Inc., an Austin, Texas-based intelligence-collecting contracting company better known as Stratfor. is a widely known” Internet provider of global intelligence,” effectively a âshadow CIA,â according to Barron’s magazine and the Huffington Post.
Stratfor is the intelligence industry’s secret weapon against all grassroots movements that oppose multi-national corporations raping and pillaging environments and people. This was well evidenced by Strator’s targeting of Canadians and Americans opposing the controversial Keystone XL pipeline planned to deliver oil from Alberta to Oklahoma. Major investors included the Rockefeller family’s Exxon-Mobil company. Although the project was scrubbed by the Obama administration, Stratfor predicted the opposition, and directed efforts to topple them. Stratfor divided the opponents into four groups: âradicals,â âidealists,â ârealistsâ and âopportunists.â Officials devised strategies to divide, divert, and conquer each group.
Stratfor agents were hired by Alex Jones, vetted as a double agent acting to “control opposition” to government corruption and corporate fascism while secretly being sponsored by Homeland Security and FEMA officials and their companies. Jones gathered a data base of anti-government “radicals.” He also gathered intelligence from Dr. Horowitz, neglected to credit the doctor for information on emerging diseases, then used the intel to frighten people into purchasing SilverSol, enriching Jones’s aforementioned sponsors and SilverSol investors. After Jones took $8,000 a month in 2009 from Dr. Horowitz to advertise OxySilver, he breached two contracts to damage the doctor’s OxySilver sales, companies, and reputation, and then facilitated a smear campaign to undermine the doctor’s support in the American patriot and Christian communities.
Journalist Amy Goodman, writing in The Guardian, referred to the first published leaks of Stratfor material as peering into an “intelligence-industrial complex.” Therein, Stratforâs precursor, Pagan International, built the corporate public relations playbook still utilized by the firm today.
According to an in depth investigation by SpinWatch, The goal of Stratfor’s corporate PR plan ‘must be to separate the fanatic activist leaders ⌠from the overwhelming majority of their followers: decent, concerned people who are willing to judge us on the basis of our openness and usefulness,’ Pagan stated in 1982, fully understanding that the public should never know this was the game plan.
All the above is true for Colin McRoberts too. His “negotiations” on board the Conspira-Sea cruise concealed from the “decent concern people” attending, that McRobert’s commission, like Jones’s, was to collect intelligence to libel Dr. Horowitz, but mostly Dr. Andrew Wakfield, and destroy the anti-vaccination movement on behalf of McRoberts’s clients that, besides Pfizer vaccine maker, “include some of the most profitable multinational corporations on the planet, such as the American Petroleum Institute, Archer Daniels Midland, Dow Chemical, Duke Energy, Northrop Grumman, Intel and Coca-Cola,” as reported SpinWatch.
Below, for instance, are four persuasion graphics in McRoberts’ training presentation aimed at “negotiating” “decent concerned parents who oppose vaccinations to give up their positions and entrust their children’s health, safety, and future to his paymasters, and medical dieties (MDs) indoctrinated into the corporate germ-cult and vaccination enterprise:
By publishing false and misleading statements about vaccination safety and efficacy, spreading fear that natural ways of prevention leave people suffering and at risk of dying, and libeling medical whistleblowers exposing evidence of government cover-up and collusion with vaccine makers, such as McRoberts did to damage Dr. Andrew Wakefield and the CDC’s top MMR vaccine-autism whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, this “negotiator” operates as a protection racketeer, shilling for companies defrauding consumers and voters, promoting “mandatory immunizations.”
McRoberts causes gullible masses to believe that biological weapons that poison children’s immune system are “safe and effective,” and those who disagree with him are frauds, liars, or dimwits
Libel Specialist: Lawyer McRoberts
McRoberts is a classic and despicable example of why the vast majority of Americans believe lawyers are untrustworthy. The American Bar Association’s ABAÂ Journal actually published the public’s disdain towards lawyers, as follows:
But McRoberts et. al., needed a “poster boy” for discrediting a growing number of suspicious investigators, and an avalanche of damaged consumers. Together with McRoberts’ paid co-conspirators in vaccination genocide, Wakefield was targeted and libeled to divert from growing threats of investigations, criticism, public health damages, and industry-wide liability.
McRoberts’ “cell” of devil-doers have helped us identify the agents and agencies that deserve to be prosecuted for high crimes against civilization, as you can gather from this article exposing “Colin” and his source of pseudo-scientific intelligence–the infamous Dr. Paul Offit. McRoberts’ paper trail exposes the criminal ways and means leading vaccine industrialists operate to defraud doctors, lawyers, legislators, scientific investigators, law enforcers, and the general public. McRoberts’ has effectively published evidence indicting two personalities you would most expect to be indicted at a modern Nuremberg trail–England’s freelance journalist (occasionally writing for the London Sunday Times) Brian Deer; and the main man administering the pseudo-science propaganda for Deer, Paul Offit. Offit is the main main setting and certifying the “immunization schedule” for American, if not the world. Offit is the rotavirus vaccine co-patent holder, huge royalty earner, and leading propagandist for Big Pharma. (Here is Wikipedia‘s praise for Dr. Paul Offit.)
What’s in a name? Offit, or “off it,” meaning “kill it.” How appropriate.
“Offit, Deer, and McRoberts work together like a tag-team administering the Western World’s pro-vaccine propaganda and genocidal agenda,” reported investigative journalist Sherri Kane, after she earthed the connections and correspondence among these agents of deception.
“They are the ‘hit squad’ targeting the honest scientists that have the guts to speak-out about what they see in clinics or data sheets during medical work-ups or vaccine studies,” Kane added. “The hit squad puts down everyone with a voice who objects to the fraud and mass murder impacting populations worldwide.”
A few minutes watching this video produced by outraged victims and citizens exposing McRobert’s correspondent and blogging associate, Brian Deer, and you will likely agree with the diagnosis of psychopathic compulsive liar. Altogether, McRoberts, Offit and Deer (MOD) have obviously been assigned to defame Wakefield; and for those who have studied the specious Lancet retraction, compounded by subsequent Hooker and Thompson revelations, any reasonable person would become enraged, nauseous, and call for this hit squad’s indictment for genocide by prosecutors at the International Criminal Court
A Pattern of Consumer Fraud and Scientific Evidence Tampering
A pattern of fraud sufficient for a genocide indictment is clearly evident.
As published in Wikipedia (widely known to be a mouthpiece for Anglo-American intelligence agency propaganda and diversions from pharmaceutical genocides, such as recorded in Dr. Horowitz’s monumental text, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional?) in June 2015, The Sunday Times ran a lead article titled “British spies betrayed the Russians and Chinese”. The article was controversial because it contained numerous unlikely and unsubstantiated claims. “Shortly after publication parts of the online version of the article were changed quietly by the newspaper. The article appeared very much to be an attempt to smear the American Whistleblower Edward Snowden, thus fueling further doubt as to its independent editorship.”
As you can read in linked article exposing Deer and Offit, The Sunday Times is owned by News Corp. that is controlled by vaccine industrialist and media mogul Rupert Murdoch., Murdoch’s heavy investments in Merck’s vaccines raises the high probability that Deer was commissioned by Murdoch’s enterprise to squelch Wakefield, Hooker, and Thompson as the vaccine industry makes its way to China. Without destroying the vaccine industry’s opposition, growing markets are at risk. It is crystal clear that Offit is sponsored by Merck to aid and abet what amounts to population reduction, or genocide, not exclusive to the United States (as reflected in the actual cover-up of genocide destroying mostly African-Americans, especially young boys as proven by the intentional censorship of MMR data by the CDC).
Offit is the Maurice R. Hilleman Professor of Vaccinology, Professor of Pediatrics at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases, and the Director of the Vaccine Education Center at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He has been a member of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Offit is a Board Member of Every Child By Two and a Founding Board Member of the Autism Science Foundation (ASF).
“[D]ocuments provided by CBS News indicate Offit did not disclose his financial relationships with Merck, including a $1.5 million Hilleman chair he sits in that is co-sponsored by Merck.” This was reported in the Orange County Register. In related action, Offit was called to task by Cheryl Atkinson in a CBS Evening News repor,t âHow Independent Are Vaccine Defenders?â broadcast on July 25, 2008.
The American Academy of Pediatrics applauds Offit’s and McRobert’s coordinated effort to persuade parents to alter their negative opinions and reasonable concerns about vaccinating their children. This is the “negotiation” process McRoberts espouses.
Yet the Deer/Offit/McRobert’s trio are finding it increasingly difficult to allay fears about MMR vaccines resulting autism, and the cover-up by top CDC officials assigned to investigate. Wakefield, Hooker’s and Thompson’s growing scandal exposes the biggest crime in history.
So in their haste to delay the scandal by publishing discrediting lies about the whistleblowers, MOD have left a paper trail of deceit that Horowitz and Kane followed, securing evidence to take to court. The paper trail links these three genocidalists by the same or similar propaganda they have published, including the same headline reference to “Vaccine-Hesitant Parents” unique to both Offit’s AAP propaganda mill, and McRobert’s training module shown above.
Click: AAP immunization_vaccine-hesitant parent_final to read the entire propaganda piece.
McRobert’s training program to “negotiate” parents and voters into vaccinating their children and giving up their bodily rights is also advertised by Offit’s organization to protect massive vaccine industry wealth accumulated by genocidal companies including Merck (already having a history of complicity in the commission of genocide during WWII), and Pfizer.
Compounding Evidence of Fraud and Cover-up: Caught with a Lie
On McRobert’s blog, McRobert’s wrote a reply to one intelligent blogger, on-or-about Feb. 14-16, 2016. The posting appears amid others by Brian Deer, and apparently Paul Offit’s alias–“SULLIVAN”–also believed by reputable investigators to be Offit’s wife, a pediatrician named “Bonnie,”
Blogger jtkong2 Colin: “In furtherance of your representation that you actively disclosed your beliefs and identity to everyone you talked with, would appreciate knowing if you are a consultant and trainer with the SAB Group aka Prism Learning Group, and if so was this disclosed to the organizers and presenters of Conspira-Sea?”
McRoberts [replied]: “That’s my day job, yes. It’s not relevant to my writing about the cruise, but I discussed it frequently whenever I talked about my background (which was most conversations longer than ten minutes, under the circumstances). I gave business cards to anyone who asked, probably three or four people. [i.e., the journalists assigned to smear Dr. Wakefield and other speakers.]
Blogger jtkong2 Colin:Â Thank you for your openness to discussing your day job. Would very much appreciate knowing the nature of your company’s work for Pfizer, Allergen, Forest Labs and Sanofi-Adventis. I also see your company lists JP Morgan as a featured client and I was wondering if that ever encompassed any work on JP Morgan’s Annual Health Care Investment Conference? Thanx again for your transparency!
McRoberts [reply]:Â “We consult in commercial negotiation–how to buy parts more efficiently, how to improve internal communications, how to build customer relationships, that sort of thing. None of our work, to my knowledge, has ever been on any subject relevant to the cruise. Never worked on any project relating to vaccines or that would be of interest to people on the cruise generally, and I’d disclose it if I did. For example, I did discuss with several people the work I’ve done (on my own, not through the company) advising doctors at the California Immunization Coalition summit on how to talk to parents who are hesitant about vaccines. And I pointed just about everybody to the blog, where I posted the slides from that talk: [Emphasis added above and below.]
I really do favor total disclosure, and I really am not a shill. Feel free to insinuate whatever you like; I suppose it’s the easiest way to defend paranoia against fact.
Now consider McRobert’s emphasized statement directly contradict McRobert’s first statement.
“Never worked on any project relating to vaccines or that would be of interest to people on the cruise generally, and I’d disclose it if I did.”
Further, “I did discuss with several people . . . advising doctors at the California Immunization Coalition summit on how to talk to parents who are hesitant about vaccines.
t should be known that “vaccination ‘hesitation'” was a main focus of the cruise. So the statement evidences McRobert’s intentional fraud. McRobert’s incriminated himself, ROYALLY, juxtaposing his denial, followed by his conflicting admissions.
Diverting from his guilt and fraud, McRobert’s added his partial defense: “I really am not a shill,” whereas the growing body of material evidence says that is precisely what McRoberts is–a shill for Offit, Merck, and Murdoch–a “PharmaTroll” shill, complicit with “PharmaWhores” Offit and Dear–financed by genocide king pin Murdoch, who is invested in Merck, Pfizer, Glaxo-Smith-Klein, News Corp, and JPMorgan-Chase/Goldman Sach.
More Evidence of McRoberts’ Deceit
jtkong2, the curious blogger, continued his inquiry as follows:
“Colin,As an attorney, might not your failure to disclose your firm’s consultancy to the largest vaccine makers in the world, be seen–even by the non paranoid–as a material omission?Additionally, it would appear that your non disclosure of this close relationship to the pharmaceutical industry places you squarely within Wikipedia‘s definition of “shill.”A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization. Shills can carry out their operations in the areas of media, journalism, marketing or other business areas. (See:
Given your firm’s consultancy to the pharmaceutical industry, I found your denial on particularly problematic:
Are you a shill? What evil corporation, government, alien race, or cryptohominid is paying you to do this?
No, and no one. [McRobert’s initially replied.] I am not receiving any money or anything of value, directly or indirectly, for this project.Your receipt of money or anything of value “for this project” does not mitigate the fact that you have a close pecuniary relationship to the vaccine industry.Therefore, if you “really do favor total disclosure” [your words] instead of saying: ‘Colin McRoberts (@Kolyin) is a Texas attorney and consultant. . . .’ Simply add the following: to the pharmaceutical industry. So that it reads: ‘Colin McRoberts (@Kolyin) is a Texas attorney and consultant to the pharmaceutical industry.’In this way you shall forever be inoculated against the insinuation that you are a shill. :)”
McRoberts replied, itacizing jtkong2’s questions:
As an attorney, might not your failure to disclose your firm’s consultancy to the largest vaccine makers in the world, be seen, even by people who are not paranoid, as a material omission?
No. The fact that the company I work for has helped pharma clients buy bottle-filling machines and negotiate rates with pharmacies is not relevant. The company’s clients are irrelevant to my private advocacy and writing generally; they don’t know about it, as far as I’m aware, and certainly don’t pay for it, directly or indirectly. Neither I nor the company have ever been hired to publicly advocate for any point of view on behalf of pharma or any other client.
The proper disclosure is exactly what I wrote on my GoFundMe page: no one pays me money, or gives me anything of value, directly or indirectly, for my writing and advocacy on these subjects. The only exceptions are the people who actually contributed to the GFM campaign (none of whom are pharma-related, to my knowledge) and the sadly miniscule ad revenue the blog brings in.
In this way, you shall forever be inoculated against the insinuation that you are a shill. đ
There is nothing that will prevent the insinuation that people who advocate for science-based medicine are shills. It’s the cheapest, laziest, most effective way to poison the well, especially when there are no facts to justify a serious charge.”
The emboldened statements evidence clear-and-convincing pharmaceutical industry commissions that McRoberts initially denied altogether.
The buying of bottle-filling machines is ongoing feverishly at the time of this writing in China. There, across the Pacific Rim, McRoberts’ paymasters are rapidly expanding their operations to secure the world’ fastest growing market for vaccines and drugs.
Moreover, the negotiation “rates with pharmacies” is additional evidence of drug and vaccine industry commerce, given that McRoberts’ “negotiations” bear on how much of a discount pharmacists are willing to give to consumers, or demand from manufacturers, given industry complexity and the frugality of health insurance payees.
In essence, McRoberts’ statements are steeped in fraud, as much as he is steeped in the vaccination trade.
As a “Harvard-trained” expert in “negotiations,” it is unreasonable that his “day job,” that precisely coincides with his “free time” activities on the cruise, was anything other than direct employment.
Thus, McRoberts attended the 7-day cruise in bad faith with ulterior motives.
Kenneth Colin McRoberts came to gather intelligence to maliciously persecute and libel principally Dr. Wakefield to secure both American and foreign markets for vaccines that are increasingly coming into disrepute.
This is wny anyone actively publishing reasonable concerns about vaccination risks are targets for the MOD gang’s propaganda (i.e., counter-intelligence.
It is noteworthy that McRoberts also works with his significant other, an anthropologist vaccinationist named Jennifer Raff, according to the Huffington Post. McRoberts and Raff share the libelous blog called “Violent Metaphors.” On this publication, McRoberts posted his coverage of the Conspira-Sea cruise, as detailed below.

“PharmaTroll” Colin McRoberts (orange shirt) sits with an angry face taking notes as he watches Dr. Andrew Wakefield speak the truth about the CDC coverup of the MMR data that shocked Dr. Thompson into quitting his leaderhip position on the “DeStefano, et. al.” study that censored the evidence of African-American genocide. Dr. Horowitz sits listening behind McRoberts.
On McRoberts Twitter account he posted:
More Revelations About McRoberts
jtkong2’s challenged McRobert’s transparent lies, quoting and questioning McRobert’s as follows:
Kong2: You write and I quote:
“some of those are made-up things that look like facts. I donât own the company, I just work for it.”
Yet, according to your company’s LinkedIn page, you are the “OWNER” of Prism.
Was this a made-up thing to look like a fact?
Additionally, Prism Learning Group, LLC holds itself out as an LLC doing business in the State of Massachusetts. Yet, according to the Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth, Corporations Division data base, no such LLC exists.
Is Prism Learning Group an LLC doing business in Massachusetts, or was this a made-up thing to look like a fact?
To your question, “What does any of that have to do with anything?” I refer you to Brian Deer’s excoriation of Dr. Andrew Wakefiled in the Sunday Times. It is evident that Deer’s focus was not on science but on Wakefield’s failure to disclose a potential conflict of interest.
“Andrew Wakefield, the doctor who champions the alleged link between measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and autism in young children, stands discredited for misleading his medical colleagues and The Lancet, the professional journal that published his findings.
The investigation has found that when he warned parents to avoid MMR, and published research claiming a link with autism, he did not disclose he was being funded through solicitors seeking evidence to use against vaccine manufacturers.
The Lancet said yesterday that The Sunday Times’s evidence meant that the finding linking MMR and autism was “entirely flawed” and should never have been published.”
Therefore Mr. McRoberts, given the irregularities (not accusations) referenced above, the readers of Wired are entitled to know the full legal name of the company you work for, where it was formed and your actual position with that company. If in fact you are not Prism’s owner (managing member) as set forth on LinkedIn, then please disclose who is?
McRoberts the Shill
As stated above, a “shill,” repeatedly referenced by McRoberts in defense of his own self-characterization, is defined as “one who acts as a decoy (as for a pitchman or gambler); one who makes a sales pitch or serves as a promoter.” McRoberts clearly fits the definition of a shill who pitches vaccine safety and efficacy, and gambles on the health of consumers injected with unsafe body poisons. He and his cohorts in crime also gamble on waning time before their lying and libeling whistleblowers catches up with them through a summons to appear before the International Criminal Court for the charge of genocide.
McRoberts did not to make much contact with the speakers, or many participants during the cruise. Instead, as photographs published herein show, he spent most of his time lurking and eavesdropping from the shadows–suitable behavior for the dark character aboard to enjoy his “private life.”
The first time we witnessed this behavior was shortly after we boarded the ship. We had no knowledge of Kenneth Colin McRoberts at that time. We were simply greeting Dr. Wakefield and his wife when Mrs. Wakefield noticed McRoberts’ obese darkness eavesdropping a few feet away.
Dr. Wakefield asked, “Do you know who that guy was?”
“No. I didn’t see him,” Dr. Horowitz replied.
Later, we learned his name was “Colin” McRoberts. We knew nothing about his background or bad faith intentions. But in retrospect, he was simply on-board to gather intelligence to further libel Wakefield throughout the media just in time to: (1) impact state legislators across America voting on mandatory vaccination bills; and (2) secure exploding Pacific markets with the Big Lie–“vaccines are safe and effective”–challenged by Wakefield and his forthcoming film, Injecting Lies.

Colin McRoberts lurking in the shadows behind Popular Mechanics/Hearst Corp. paparazzi photographer Dina Litovsky, who regularly distracted and annoyed the speakers and members of the audience.

Dr. Wakefield is photographed here lecturing, nearly exclusively to Colin McRoberts, after receiving published evidence of the Popular Mechanics journalists bad faith presence at the conference. Later, McRoberts sought and received a private interview with Wakefield.
McRoberts abused Dr. Wakefield’s kindness and candor to gather intelligence that he soon relayed to, apparently, Paul Offit, who, in the opinion of these authors, responded recklessly and fraudulently to Dr. Wakefield’s evidence of scientific fraud and cover-up at the CDC regarding the MMR vaccine-autism study by DeStefano et. al.
McRoberts and the rest of the so called “journalists” aboard the Conspira-Sea Cruise was assigned to gather intelligence to accelerate the cover-up and vicious smear campaign in jeopardy of unraveling, courtesy of US Congressman, Florida Representative Bill Posey.
It is clear that Dr. Wakefield’s damages have been compounding since Big PharmaWhore Brian Deer was commissioned by Rupert Murdoch’s agents at The Sunday Times. Deer’s yellow press alleged Dr. Wakefield concealed his conflicting interests from the editors of The Lancet;Â yet Dear’s own conflicting interest has gone unquestioned by members of the mainstream media heavily influenced by Murdoch’s agents protecting their vaccine industry investments.
Ironically, Dr. Wakefield does not discount the potential value of vaccines. He simply recommends that vaccines, especially the MMR vaccine, be more carefully tested. Wakefield recommends that MMR vaccines be made into 3 separate vaccines–one for measles, one for mumps, and one for rubella.
But Dr. Horowitz disagrees stating, “We can no longer trust any vaccines. The entire field of vaccine science is steeped in fraud, evidence tampering, and regulatory capture.”
Horowitz bases much of his statement on the fact that government officials at the CDC and US General Accounting Office covered up all of the evidence linking HIV/AIDS’s origin from Merck & Co.’s earliest hepatitis B vaccines given to gay men in New York City between 1972-74. This vaccine was produced in contaminated chimpanzees supplied to Merck by Litton Bionetics. Additional groups infected at that time were Willowbrook State School mentally retarded children and Central African women.
Ohio Rep. James Trafficante, later incarcerated on trumped up charges of tax fraud, had demanded an investigation into Dr. Horowitz’s thesis by the GAO. Horowitz was then interviewed at length about the actual contracts proving the accuracy of everything he alleged in his national bestseller, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional? (Tetrahedron, LLC, 1998). The GAO’s final report neglected any mention of Dr. Horowitz, the shocking Special Virus Cancer Program contracts, and the aforementioned evidence of the chimpanzee incubated hepatitis B viruses contaminating the New York City gay vaccine trial. Today, the news blackout about Dr. Horowitz’s book, his outrageously unsettling evidence, and the CDC/GAO cover-up, continues. So does the widespread media censorship of the true vaccine-links to the origin of AIDS, numerous cancers, auto-immune diseases, and, yes, autism; especially in Black children.

Brian Deer- PharmaWhore for Rupert and James Murdoch, paid pro-vaccine propagandist and “hit man” targeting Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and other vaccine whistleblowers for nearly a decade.
“I also want to mention that Dr. Horowitz was a key player in getting people to awaken to the potential dangers and side effects of vaccinations,” Kane continued, “but his irrefutable disclosures are so shocking that the PharmaMedia can only omit and divert from his numerous works. Many of these are now showing on ever since Google/YouTube banned more than 150 of Dr. Horowitz’s videos, some that were viewed by more than 1 million people. Included among these was The Man Who Created AIDS: Dr. Robert Gallo. We were compelled to re-publish that video, and the others, on our own station.”
“I can also recommend everyone watch Dr. Horowitz’s documentary titled In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood & Bioterrorism, especially the segment wherein Merck’s vaccine chief, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, admits having brought the AIDS virus into North America in contaminated monkeys (really chimpanzees) used in the hepatitis B vaccine studies precisely as Dr. Horowitz proved by reviewing the scientific literature.
CLICK HERE to continue reading about leading “PharmaWhores” Paul Offit and Brian Deer.
CLICK HERE to continue reading about the Popular Mechanics/Hearst Corp. PharmaWhores Dina Litovsky and Bronwen Dickie.
CLICK HERE to continue reading about grossly discredited “journalist” PharmaWhore and PharmaTroll Anna Merlan.