Thank You to Sherri Kane and Dr. Leonard Horowitz for the “Wolves of Satan Nipping at Your Heels”
Sherri Kane and Dr. Leonard Horowitz Receive Gratitude
Hi, Sherri,
I just was able to read the latest email regarding the lawsuits and all the challenges you and Dr. Horowitz have been put through. It is definitely courageous of both of you to come forward in a public lawsuit with the ‘wolves of Satan’ nipping at your heels. Just when I was thinking how few heroes we have these days, I am reminded of you both.
I believe it is over the moon that all these activities are being exposed to the world at large for what they are….how many adjectives can I think of to name these types of people and activities for the ruin they have caused? They are being judged now, not only by our courts, the public, but God is bringing this about to guard the righteous among us, to protect and defend the good people.
Please know that I am 100% behind you both, thanking the universal good for such brave human beings in our midst, and will be doing all I can to promote God’s protection over the two of you throughout this struggle.
God be with you, and remain strong and focused, and healthy!