Controlled Opposition Media Denying, Defaming, Persecuting and ‘Neutralizing’ Doctors Under The Spell of MKULTRA / COINTELPRO
Under the Trance of MKULTRA / COINTELPRO, Controlled Opposition Agents Reap What They Have Sown
Sherri Kane and J.T. Kong, and Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
On December 3, 2018, the National Vaccine Information Center’s Barbara Loe Fisher complained that Internet ‘thought police” were acting to censor all opposition to vaccinations. She called for public opposition that included making donations to her organization.
The next day, Dr. Joseph Mercola and his partner, Erin Elizabeth Finn (a.k.a., “The Health Nut”) joined Fisher, their business and financial ally, in protesting the same increasing Internet censorship of vaccine debate.
Six months later, on July 6, 2018, Mike Adams, the director of Natural News heralded on his partner’s, Alex Jones’s, InfoWars website that he had “decoded” the Internet “Censorship Master Plan” requiring the public’s “emergency” response. He coupled his pleading with multiple advertisements to donate to Jones’s enterprise, and purchase health supplements from Adams.
On March 1, 2019, Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Del Bigtree, the producers of the film VAXXED, mailed alerts objecting to the termination of sales of their film through Amazon, Google/YouTube and Facebook, as previously reported by these authors.
“What goes around comes around.”
“As you sew, so shall you reap.” (Galations VI).
Each of the seven aforementioned leaders of the ‘vaccination hesitancy’ movement are getting precisely what they have sown.
Each of the above ‘truthers’ censored Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz‘s award-winning science, books, and films. They recklessly acted to disregard Horowitz’s scholarly intelligence linking vaccines to myriad cancers, autoimmune diseases and more.
They all serve MKULTRA’s purpose–to hypnotronically-induce a virtual trance state in citizens by which focused attention and powerful suggestions create false beliefs and dissonant attitudes by which the CULTure is engineered to be most profitable and susceptible to control.
Fisher censored Horowitz’s presentation at her NVIC meeting. She even prevent Horowitz from asking questions to her panel. This occurred at her second annual conference–a conference Horowitz helped finance.
Mercola and Finn, financially allied with Fisher, censored Horowitz’s warning about Fisher and her NVIC being ‘controlled opposition.’ Mercola belligerently rejected Horowitz’s good faith urging. He had learned of Marge Grant’s story. The appalling saga explains how Fisher’s celebrity and the NVIC came into being by the hostile takeover of Grant’s legitimate grass-roots organization, undermined by Fisher and Big Pharma lobbyists.
Mercola and “The Health Nut” censored Horowitz’s science too. They also censored evidence Finn had requested from journalist Sherri Kane. The censored evidence showed Horowitz and Sherri Kane being criminally attacked and made homeless and bankrupt by the nation’s leading supplier of the illegal hallucinogenic narcotic “DMT” (i.e., ayahuasca). Mercola and Finn sat on the story. They did nothing to help fellow journalists.
Alex Jones did worse than censor Horowitz and Kane. He helped defame them. “The HOROKANE” were smeared by trolls that Jones encouraged and permitted on his blogs. This was after the couple shared with Jones their discoveries of the Partnership for New York City–the world’s leading biotech/genetic engineering/private equity investment banking organization that largely controls Big Pharma. Rather than giving that story its due attention, Jones diverted and concealed the information, including the organization’s ties to vaccination contaminations and profitable depopulation that Horowitz best evidenced and relayed.
Jones concealed Horowitz’s scientific discoveries of vaccine alternatives. Horowitz advanced frequencies of sound and light energies that could be used to restore health and well-being. Jones reneged on a contract to interview Horowitz on the 528Hz frequency particularly, in favor of advertising a competing silver product resonating at a cancer-causing frequency. Horowitz was appalled that Jones’s preferred vaccine-substitute, claimed superior to Horowitz’s “OxySilver with 528,” converted Horowitz’s intellectual property and was being used to possibly cause cancer in Jones’s “SilverSol” buyers.
Jones’s partner, Mike Adams, also reneged on a contract he had made to work with Horowitz. Once having Horowitz’s intelligence on the importance of frequency of 528Hz and the Solfeggio musical scale applicable in health science, Adams stole the concept and published a totally bogus commercial scheme to hijack Horowitz’s two decades of research.
Dr. Wakefield censored or repeatedly neglected Horowitz’s peer-reviewed AIDS science linking many cancers to the polio and hepatitis B vaccines. Wakefield repeatedly neglected Horowitz’s and Kane’s good faith efforts to collaborate, to support the embattled Wakefield to save his smeared reputation.
In one incident, Wakefield had requested the couple (and every member of his audience) help advertise his forthcoming film, VAXXED. He encouraged everyone to help advertise VAXXED at presentations he gave offshore. Then, after the couple posted Wakefield’s presentation on their Vimeo channel, Wakefield censored it by falsely complaining to Vimeo officials that the couple had infringed on his copyright.
Del Bigtree too had disregarded massive support Horowitz and Kane had given Wakefield and VAXXED. The veteran producer didn’t even have the courtesy of responding to Horowitz’s request to collaborate in the production of UN-VAXXED: A Docu-commentary for Robert De Niro that vetted the agents and agencies that pressured De Niro to censor Bigtree’s film VAXXED. Requests for collaboration even came from Bigtree’s own production community. All were denied.
Horowitz’s film, UN-VAXXED, went on to receive five international awards, including “Best Film-2016” in London and Geneva competitions.
Throughout their film and public relations, The HOROKANE urged viewers to view VAXXED.
But rather than even a simple “Thank you,” Wakefield, Del Bigtree, and their co-producer, Brian Burrowes, falsely advertise that VAXXED had won awards, to steal the honors exclusively given UN-VAXXED.
It’s Nothing Personal: The MKULTRA Trance State is Exclusively Behavioral
Dr. Horowitz is not the only well-credentialed veteran whistleblower in vaccine science disparaged and damaged by the aforementioned Johnny-come-lately voices in the vaccine debate who lack integrity and scientific training. Other famous examples of persecuted heroes include Dr. Andrew Moulden, Dr. Meyer Eisenstein, Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, Dr. Viera Schreibner, Dr. Mirko Beljanski, Dr. Gary Kohls, and Dr. Jacques Benveniste, to name just a few who contributed substantially and relentlessly on the front lines against countless critics and pro-vaccine ‘skeptics.’
Those not suppressed must be considered suspect. Even when mainstream media does ‘hit pieces’ on so-called ‘quacks,’ the ‘bad publicity’ builds celebrity and sales of ‘alternative’ products. That’s part of the MKULTRA mind-control and social-control program. The devil-doers need opposition to claim legitimacy. Only the real heroes, the true revolutionaries, are completely censored, because their revelations strike at the heart of the most substantive material issues.
Consequently, each of the aforementioned celebrities given airtime are believed to be operating in bad faith as COINTELPRO agents. Add to their list Jeff Rense’s clearing house of anti-Semitic prose, George Noory’s ‘Coast-2-CoastAM’ extraterrestrial diversion; Mike Savage’s Freudian projection, ‘The Savage Nation;’ The Rush Limbaugh Show–self therapy substituting for drug rehab; and Glenn Beck’s seemingly straight-forward and earnest broadcasts.
They all serve the MKULTRA’s purpose–to hypnotronically-induce a virtual trance state in citizens by which focused attention and powerful suggestions create false beliefs and dissonant attitudes by which the CULTure is engineered to be most profitable and susceptible to control.
CANCER VIRUSES and how they got from the Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP) labs into humanity’s bloodstream is the central issue. Without addressing this lab virus matter-of-fact, civilization is doomed.
None of the suspects tell the most substantive material truth–the whole truth, and nothing but the truth to set audiences free of MKULTRA programming. They are all part of ‘The Problem.” Their ‘controlled opposition’ is not the solution. They offer audiences only a preoccupation with diversions and political delusions. Both sides of every debate are controlled by the Deep State through their eyes, ears, and publications.
Want more evidence? You don’t hear opposition to vaccine Genocide from any of these sources of disinformation. The “G-word” is taboo. There is no substantive fact-based science debated. The focus is misplaced on a single vaccine injury–brain damage–that officials can and do more easily deny. This deficiency comes courtesy of solid behavioral science and social-conditioning, that is, MKULTRA programming for Deep State mind-control.
The entire spectrum of political persuasion, from FOX to PBS, is saturated by silence on the most crucial issues damaging public health and safety. One out-of-every 59 children now get autism according to the CDC. One out of two people will get cancer according to British experts. One out of five people will get autoimmune disease(s). All three conditions are imposed. Vaccine mercury is most implicated in autism. Vaccine viruses are most implicated in cancers and autoimmune diseases. The autism-mercury link is under debate. The lab cancer-virus debate is censored. Given these facts, where is the ‘meat.”
CANCER VIRUSES and how they got from the Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP) labs into humanity’s bloodstream is the central issue. Without addressing this lab virus matter-of-fact, civilization is doomed.
Again, the MKULTRA media covers ‘autism,’ but not Robert Gallo’s creations of AIDS viruses, nor the 40 million who died from it thus far. No one but Horowitz and Dr. Alan Cantwell have covered Anthony Fauci’s and Paul Offit’s cover-up of the SVCP. Only Horowitz has exposed Stanley Plotkin’s complicity at the Wistar Institute in creating and testing mutant cancer viruses for vaccine commerce. The pundits indict mercury’s link to autism, but viral links to more than a hundred new cancers and autoimmune diseases somehow escapes the coverage. That makes each of the aforementioned agents, suspected ‘double-agents’ of deception. That’s why Horowitz’s works have been censored, contracts broken, and his celebrity frivolously smeared. And that’s why we his co-authors are proud and honored to publish with him.
During this six-part series of articles, we three authors exposed the principle agents, agencies and cartels responsible for this media manipulation and health science fraud. We vetted the controlled-opposition that generates mass confusion and reckless disparagement of the few remaining heroes. Rather than widespread thanks within the vaccine debate community for sharing critical evidence from science, including documenting fraud, malfeasance, and genocide by officials using their own government records as proof, we heroes have received death threats. Two examples follow that strike at the heart of this unconscionable, MKULTRA-degenerated, uncivilized society:
1) Rather than thanks, Kane received the adjacent threat from a pro-vaccine psychopath, Gary Liniger. The death-wish followed Kane’s sharing the Stanley Plotkin video viewable here (and on; and
2) As we were writing this article, people in the vaccination debate suddenly arose from the dead on the issue of ‘CONTROLLED OPPOSITION’ that we’ve been urgently exposing since 2011. Our bookcover on this subject is shown here.
Pursuant to virology and vaccinology, Barbara Loe Fisher’s NVIC emerged at the heart of this era of censorship. Dr. Mercola’s Facebook postings by “The Health Nut” when into a frenzy, as shown HERE, fundamentally due to the evidence contained in the Special Virus Cancer Program (“SVCP”) government records that Fisher censored.
Below you can view screenshots and this video showing “Mercola’s Facebook Meltdown.” The steady stream of Mercola’s defamatory postings followed Kane’s posting in the Caljam Facebook page of a link to the expose’ on Barbara Loe Fisher and the NVIC as ‘controlled opposition.’ the discussion followed the statements made by Dr. Heather Wolfson concerning the matter of controlled opposition poisoning healthcare and the vaccine debate. Mercola, presumably represented by Finn, smeared Kane madly-incensed. Mercola and Finn fraudulently omitted and misrepresented the photograph taken of Kane following her assault and battery by Honolulu sheriffs. Their retaliation for Fisher’s protection is shown below.
Mercola’s and Finn’s malice can be known from their blatant misrepresentation and omissions: Kane was assaulted, battered, and forcibly ejected from the courtroom of President Obama’s fraudulent birth certificate case ‘fact finder,’ First Circuit Judge Bert Ayabe. The assault happened before her forced hospitalization and incarceration. More background, besides the birth certificate scandal, includes the fact that Judge Ayabe was being accused of conspiring with lawyers to steal people’s homes by foreclosure fraud and government complicity. Kane was there, risking her health and life, to secure justice for the citizens and report the news coverage. She was assaulted and battered upon Ayabe’s demand for her physical removal from the court for videotaping the proceedings. The journalist was then arrested, hospitalized, and forcibly drugged. You can compare her drugged and battered image compared with her normal photograph below.
Any reasonable and ethical person would consider the aforementioned information as evidencing Kane’s honorably heroism on behalf of society and justice. Not Dr. Mercola or “The Health Nut.” They selected the photo below showing Kane in her worst appearance, fraudulently implying this was her ‘mugshot’. In fact, the assault and battering of Kane was so egregious and embarrassing to Ayabe and the Sheriffs’ Department that when Kane appeared for her hearing, she learned that the criminals had ‘disappeared the case.’ That right. They didn’t dismiss it. They disappeared it as though it never happened. Not so for the Mercola enterprise.
Instead of helping to bring truth to light as Kane did on behalf of hundreds of similarly situated victims of the Hawaii Deep State corruption, Finn and Mercola published the images seen here to damage Kane’s reputability.

“Dr. Joseph Mercola’s” libelous Facebook post threatening Kane, and fraudulently misrepresenting Kane appearance in this photo. The picture actually evidences Kane’s illegal drugging by Honolulu sheriffs following her illegal arrest for filming Judge Bert Ayabe railroading foreclosure fraud victims by the hundreds in his courtroom. Ayabe is infamous for administering President Barack Obama’s birth certificate fraud case. Kane was filming in the courtroom to cover that story too when she was assaulted, battered, and then arrested, hospitalized, drugged and then incarcerated. The photo shown by Mercola and Finn here was taken at the time she was still groggy upon release from jail. Later, threatened by Kane’s media exposure, the corrupt officials ‘disappeared’ her case when she appeared to protest the false charges of “obstruction of governmental operations.” Mercola concealed all of this.
Facebook liberally permits pro-vaxxers to threaten and smear Kane, but controls all opposition to the Deep State genocide. They impose upon users different prejudicial standards of acceptability for posts. They use warped enforcement of ‘community standards’ favoring the company’s demonically-possessed drug-cult.
Google/YouTube and Wikipedia are no different from Facebook.
The criminal psychopaths complicit in administering these entities, along with MKULTRA treason and MKNAOMI genocide, are best vetted by these authors.
Besides the aforementioned devil-doers, the accused ‘intelligence sources’ include: Harvard lawyer Colin McRoberts, top gun Gen. Stanley McChrystal and his McChrystal Group, amd Paul Offit and his ally, Stanley Plotkin, as detailed in PART 3 of this series.
Click to return to:
PART 2: The VAXXED v. UN-VAXXED controversy;
PART 3: Measles Virus Cancer Cure Fraud and Cover-up;
PART 4: Leaked Mail, Mercola Meltdown, and Fauci and Plotkin Perjury Evidence Vaccine Racket Unwinding
Or continue to the conclusion on:
PART 6: The “Vaccine Safety Study Act” Can Save Millions, Possibly Billions of Lives
Sherri Kane is an investigative journalist who defected from FOX News, Los Angeles, for ethical reasons. She has co-investigated, co-authored, and co-hosted with Dr. Leonard Horowitz many works, including the multiple award-winning film UN-VAXXED: A Docu-Commentary for Robert De Nero, that won “Best Film-2016” a the EuroCinema festival in Geneva, and the CineMagic London Film Festival. Sherri has written extensively on Barack Obama’s history, counter-intelligence methods used by Internet “gang stalkers,” and the “PharmaMedia,” detailing links between the wealthiest Wall Street investors in mass media and the pharmaceutical industry. Sherri also specializes in women’s and children’s health issues and child sex trafficking whistleblowing. She is a dedicated animal rights advocate, launching the “Conscious Species Channel” on Her programming includes many of the most heart-warming and humorous videos on the Internet in this genre. Ms. Kane is the Vice President of Medical Veritas International, Inc., that launched with Dr. Horowitz the LOVE/528 Revolution,, and the 528Radio Network impacting recording artistry and natural healing internationally. Online DVDs featuring Dr. Horowitz and Ms. Kane include: NSA/CIA Trolls Destroy Heroes to Profit Villains: Snowden/Wikileaks Evidence Protection Racket for the Death Industry. Ms. Kane recommends Dr. Horowitz most recent video performance and acknowledges the public support she and Dr. Horowitz receive through their financial sponsors at and
J.T. Kong
J.T. Kong is a research scholar who opposes fraud in government. He facilitates investigations of corruption that damages people’s health and safety. He has contributed to a number of Sherri Kane’s and Dr. Horowitz’s books, articles, and films, including The Las Vegas Deep State Massacre and SpaceGate: The Militarization of Sacred Mauna Kea.
Dr. Leonard Horowitz
Dr. Leonard Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., D.N.M. (hon.), D.M.M. (hon.), is the author of twenty-two books, including the prophetically titled Death In The Air: Globalism,Terrorism and Toxic Warfare that came out three months before 9-11-01. That book deals with biological and energy weapons being used for population control. His three American best-sellers include: Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional? that was largely responsible for prompting explosive interest in vaccination risks and biological warfare; Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, that revealed the ancient Solfeggio musical scale secreted for millennia; and Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine and Modern Science in which Dr. Horowitz presents his protocol for administering prevention and speedy recoveries. His most recent text, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE, has prompted a revolution in the music industry improving recording artistry and music therapy with the use of C=528Hz(A=444Hz) tuning that produces “medicinal music.” Dr. Horowitz’s documentary, UN-VAXXED: A Docu-commentary for Robert De Niro won five international awards, including “Best Film – 2016” in London and Geneva competitions.
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